in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hey hivers, I admit that it has been a while since I've written to you. I've been busy with school and adjusting to the second-semester huhu. Let's get into the topic, shall we? Into relationships, we go! Warning: as a 17-year-old, my experience is EXTREMELY limited.

    As we all know, there are different types of relationships. We have familial, platonic, and romantic. Lucky for me, I've experienced and am still experiencing these types of relationships. Being in such relationships makes you grow as a person. Personally, I still have a lot to learn and I think that I'll always be learning as long as I live in this beautiful space rock we call Earth.



    To be honest, I am not extremely close with my family to the point where I can tell them everything. But one thing I know, is that I hold so much love from them. We don't say "I love you" to each other that often but we show it through our actions. The only person that says I love you to me often is my mom. She has always been the one who's there for me in terms of parental guidance (cause my dad went abroad for work), but she's also the one who gets on my nerves more often.

    My mom and I have such a complex yet simple relationship. She's my mom after all. And I'm her only daughter. All the expectations and traits she wanted me to have as a daughter and my not fitting that criteria placed the tension that we have now. To put it simply, she wanted a girly-girl daughter and I turned out to be more of a tomboy. She used to style my hair with huge pink bows and stuff and I hated it I didn't like wearing dresses either, that really annoyed my mom for a long while. It took her a while to really get that I was just not the type of daughter that she wanted me to be. She still tries to make me wear dresses whenever she can but it doesn't happen as much as it did when I was younger and I appreciate that.

    I still kinda am a tomboy btw, but I like to wear masculine clothing cause that's what I'm comfortable with hehe



    Friendships are supposed to be something that makes life better and easier. Friendships are supposed to be something that reminds you that no matter what life throws at you, you'll always have these people by your side. Maybe this also goes for all the other types of relationships as well, but I'm just saying that it shouldn't be so difficult.

    I've experienced having a disagreement with one of my best friends before and I was at fault. I genuinely apologized and she really couldn't stay mad at me forever. It was difficult that time around, but it wasn't prolonged. This type of relationship only works when you put your ego aside and communicate with a genuine heart. Because if you aren't genuine, all of that communication would be useless.

    Right now, this part of my life is being challenged. Living life really isn't for the weak huh? One thing I know about platonic relationships is that it isn't supposed to be THAT difficult. Everything looks a little bleak right now, but I hope it turns out alright. Because if it won't turn out alright, I'm about to be buried with some "sick to my stomach" feelings for maybe a few weeks or months. Like a bathtub full of my tears.



    Now, this is a touchy subject for me because my past romantic relationship was complicated. But here I am now, heavily single HAHAHAHA.

    One thing I know about this type of relationship is that it really changes a person's life. To know that there is someone who adores you even after showing all of you is quite life-changing. To know that someone sees you and your efforts, that's what makes romantic relationships special. It's so special that people make songs about it all the time.

    Even if I have some experience (one) in this area, I still consider myself as someone who doesn't really know much about romantic love. (If having unreciprocated crushes count, then I'm crying lol) A lot of people have their own take on romantic love. Some jump from one relationship to another, and some wait until they wither away (me). Just kidding, I am totally open to romantic relationships. But I won't be forcing myself to have one because I'm young and have plenty of time for that in the future. Being a teenager doesn't really help, cause people around me are getting into romances from left to right, but there's so rush for me.

    Thank you for reading this far my dear readers. My life has been so hectic lately, but I'll always be here. 2-3 hours of sleep every weekday really catches up to you huh? HAHAHA. I hope that you guys are having a wonderful week, and I'll catch you guys in the next one!

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