Upgraded my holozing

in voilk •  4 months ago

    The goal is a plan set few months ago to top the chart of the top contributors but seems like it's a dreem that will hardly come to reality.

    I am built for tough times but well, even diamonds succumb to the heat. Well, I am not a diamond but I am way stronger. Hehe.

    Web 3.0 has given me the opportunity to explore far and wide and discoveries has led to the evolution of my mindset from being a narrow minded person to being a broad minded person who wants to explore every single space in he web3.0

    One of my discoveries is the holozing game. Yeah, a game and it's an interesting one, though it has not been launched, it has proven to be worth giving time and attention.

    Few months ago, I joined the holozing with hopes that i would have reached the 700th person in the top contributors chart but seems i did not know how difficult the challenge was.

    Though my growth is slow and steady, still hope to reach my goals which is to be among the first 50 in the top contributors chart.


    Currently, I am in the 949 meaning I have 900 people to beat. Hehe. Looks like a mission impossible but well, with time, it will be possible.

    To get there, the main thing needed is delegation. Tbisnis a challenge to me because I am a growing account but gradually, I am ascending by topping my delegations every week.


    This week,I have topped my delegation with 5hp. Not much, but from m predictions, I will be able to pass bout 5 persons before I make my next delegation.


    As usual, I claimed my zing rewards. This is one of the most exciting features I love about holozing.


    Currently, I have about 450 staked zing and this staked zing are giving me more zing. I am happy for my growth.

    Thank you for reading and I hope to see you next time when I upgrade my delegation.

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