My method of handling pressure

in voilk •  2 months ago

    I do tell people that stress kills. Have you ever witnessed someone just be driving and then stop driving all of a sudden, then die in that spot? I mean, some people will just want to relax and won't wake up again.

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    There are so many Serenios that people have passed away because of stress. Talking about stress, there are so many types of it. But then let's just talk about a few once. The physical stress and the mental stress. These are the two stresses we faced more in life. These are also what I'm facing at the moment.
    Meanwhile, there are causes of stress too. I mean, any small thing can cause stress for you, especially in your adult stage. The first thing that can cause physical stress is when you overwork yourself. There are some employers that do work that can actually destroy someone's life. You will see a young guy or a lady who does all the work.

    This is not supposed to happen. People don't care about humanity again; everyone wants a human in robots that can do everything for them in the blink of an eye. And also, the situation in the country makes people do what they don't even want to do. When they don't have any choices. They have to do it anyway. Imagine just one person doing more than three things together. How can that person be healthy? Our body is definitely not a machine, which means it has limits to what it can do. Even a machine changes oil and the like, just for you to know that everything gets tired.

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    Moreover, there are other things that cause stress. For instance, when you think about something too much, this can cause mental stress. Have you ever wondered why you have a constant headache? Sometimes you are not sick at all; it's just that you are mentally stressed and exhausted. Meanwhile, this stress can lead to insomnia because you will hardly even have the chance to sleep. And when you are unable to sleep, the stress will be multiplied.

    I once had this kind of issue a few months ago. Here is exactly what happened: I was home doing nothing for days, weeks, and so on. To cut a long story short, depression came in. Now I started thinking about a lot of things, even the things I didn't have any control over. I just kept thinking about everything. I overthought it to the point that I could not control it again. So the side effects of it set it. I couldn't sleep anymore. I keep having sleepless nights, and so on. After that, I started having headaches. At some point I think I'm having maleria but the fact is that there is no way I could have a maleria. I'm not physically stressed, and I'm not doing anything that will make me fall sick.

    Well, to cut a long story short, I visited a good pharmacy and complained to them that I have malaria. So the doctor there asked me some questions, like, What are the symptoms I'm facing? I told them it was just a constant headache and nothing more. He then said that was not enough for me to have malaria. He continues to ask me more questions about my health. I answered everything. So give me the benefit of the doubt. He asked me to come for malaria, which I actually did. When the results came out, he told me I'm malaria-free.
    This man continues to ask more questions until he realizes that I'm mentally stressed. He said the first thing I need to do now is take some supplements, which will make me sleep and give me good health too. He then advised me to do more things and eat some foods.

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    I followed his prescriptions, and it's actually worked well. So basically, talking about me, what causes me more stress is when I'm thinking too much, which can easily lead to something bad.
    But then I've figured out the solutions. You know, when there is no problem, there won't be solutions to it. When I realized my situation, I figured out what caused it. I noticed I've not been doing what I should be doing.

    The first thing I did was exercise. I mean, the benefits of exercise in our body are numerous, and not just the body alone; it also works more for our brain. When you engage in different kinds of exercises, you will definitely be free from all these mental stresses. That is exactly what I did, and I'm so happy to have done it.
    Moreover, I have someone to talk to. Having good friends around will also reduce stress.

    There are some good people out there, and all they do is make you happy. Visiting friends and hanging out will make you free from stress.
    Because if we keep thinking about the responsibilities we have, we might not get well soon. But then it's good to leave everything and let God be in control.
    Lastly, one good thing I do is eat good food. Believe me, good food reduces stress.
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