Celebrating 100 Weeks of Learning and Relearning

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Wow its was Just like yesterday when i joined this amazing community. So much fun, so much emotions, so much knowledge, so much people of like minds, so much friends made, so much relationship made, so much Learnt so far.


    Before i proceed with this post, j would love to appreciate my Onboarder, the person of Vickoly.
    In all honesty, i didn't by any chance believe in Crypto currency. To me anything crypto was utterly a scam. Coupled with many of my online experiences with online businesses, i never wanted to give anything online a chance. Its was my friend vickoly that changed my mindset about the issue, He made every effort to make sure i get it right on the Hive Blockchain.

    Many of the readers that have been reading my blog will have read about this before, i got onboarded on hive with little or no enthusiasm, i was so sceptical about it, then vickoly showed me how to make a post, he told me about the various communities, he suggested some that might fit my Niche, since am a singer and a tech guy, I made my first Music video presentation through the Threespeak interface, after my introduction post on hive, I made the video, i was so camera shy then, i even made the video in portrait mode instead landscape. There were a lot of positive response and comments from people, it was so encouraging, so i decided to start making more. Not long After i joined The Hive Open Mic Community and Afri-tunes community, i joined Hive Learners.

    How my Journey started on Hive learners

    I joined Hive learners not so long, i think around May 2023, then i started writing prompts then but i was so very inconsistent with my posts, then in May i find it very difficult to Write posts, sometimes i can spend up to 4 hours to write a post. This really was part of what made me inconsistent in writing post, this is because i have a lot of work to be done offline and also my schedule is pretty tight. I don't want to be muted or Break any law so i try as much as possible to do the right thing.
    One big challenge then was that i wasn't verified for a long time, hence i wasn't being curated by the community, this wasn't encouraged to do more pst then.
    After making the Application twice i sas verified as a member of the community and since then, the journey of Learning have been amazing, i went from writing only once in a week to writing five times a week.
    My Hive power grew from 100Hp to 1200 Hp in a very short time of being consistent on the Blockchain.


    What are the difficulties i experienced and how i stand to my feet

    One of my major challenges is the challenge of writing a post. Just like i earlier said i had a very big challenge writing a post, i can spend upto 4 hours to write just one posts, for this reason i haven't been consistent with my post on the community. But during the course of the year i started mastering writing and using some very important grammar tools to enhance my works.
    I also started daily blogging, which although wasn't so easy but it has helped me a lot too.

    Big congratulations to the Hive learner team, admins, moderator and all the Amazing authors that made the community an awesome place to be.

    I hope you had a great time reading, do have a great day


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