Time as The Best Free (+Incentivized) Educational Asset in Hive - How We Can Use It for Engagement, Retention and Advocacy

in voilk •  4 months ago


    I want to write this article about donating time. How it is for me and how it can be done inside and outside Hive ecosystem for newcommers and still un-adapted peers like me.


    • a liquid imagination I have done 2-3 days ago

    There is a constant need to be actively there for people who come in Hive and find it hard to adapt or to be constant. And I have been having both of these issues for my first year in Hive...for almost 2 years. And not because I am lazy, but because I felt to stupid to write something clever, or to tired of searching imfor info that would have helped me to use the environment better. Articles are great, but we can do more.

    Please, take a bit of time and read about this "asset" we all own.

    Donating time is something deeply meaningful to me. Yes, it can take minutes or hours, but I'm giving a piece of myself – my knowledge, skills, care. For me, donating time means connecting with others in a way that goes beyond words.

    I've had the privilege of donating my time on several occasions, but two experiences more signifiant. The first was when I volunteered to teach basic agricultural concepts to a group of eager learners in my community. It was incredible to see their eyes light up as they absorbed new knowledge and gained confidence in their abilities. I remember the sense of fulfillment that I had...and the joy.

    The second experience was similar, yet unique in its own way. I volunteered to mentor a young aspiring farmer, guiding him through the strategies of sustainable farming practices. It was a weekend of shared learning and mutual respect, as we worked together to cultivate crops.

    Through these experiences, I've come to understand the true power of donating time. It's a loop of giving and receiving. a transfer on both sides. I've learned as much from those I've helped as they have from me. It's a reciprocal exchange of knowledge, kindness, and humanity.

    I know. Donating time isn't always easy. It requires sacrifice, dedication, and a willingness to step outside of your comfort zone. But the rewards far outweigh the challenges. There's a sense of purpose that comes from knowing you've made a difference in someone else's life ... no matter how small.

    Maube sometimes we feel divided and disconnected. And I think donating time is a reminder of our shared humanity. It's a way of bridging the gaps between us, of building connections that transcend barriers and boundaries. It's a simple yet profound act of kindness that has the power to change lives, including your own.

    So, if you ever have the opportunity to donate your time, I encourage you to seize it with both hands. You never know how much of an impact you could make – on others, on yourself, and on the world around you.

    I thinnk it's HIVE-TIME for us to step up and connect more with others as we guide them thorough the ecosystem.
    Let me share with you how people in the Hive community can assist newcomers and less experienced individuals (like me) in adapting to this ecosystem. There are various ways we can lend a helping hand, utilizing platforms like 3Speak for videos, live streaming and live sessions on Twitter or direct Discord sessions with chat.

    I think 3Speak provides an excellent platform for creating informative and engaging video content. Experienced members of the Hive community can create tutorials, guides, and walkthroughs to help newcomers navigate the platform, understand how to create content, engage with others, and earn rewards. These videos can cover topics ranging from setting up an account to utilizing different features and functionalities within the Hive ecosystem.

    Live streaming (vimm.tv and possibly hivelive.me)and platforms like Twitter or Discord calls can offer real-time assistance and support to those who need it. Experienced members can host live Q&A sessions, where newcomers can ask questions and receive immediate feedback and guidance. These sessions can cover a wide range of topics, including best practices for content creation, strategies for community engagement, and tips for maximizing earnings on the platform.

    Discord calls provide a more personalized and interactive experience, allowing for one-on-one or group discussions. Members can join voice channels dedicated to helping newcomers, where they can receive personalized assistance, advice, and mentorship from experienced individuals within the community. These calls can also serve as a space for networking and building connections with other members of the Hive community.

    By leveraging platforms like 3Speak, Twitter, and Discord calls, the Hive community can create a supportive and inclusive environment where newcomers and less experienced individuals feel empowered to learn, grow, and thrive. Through informative videos, live streaming sessions, and interactive discussions, we can ensure that everyone has the resources and support they need to succeed within the Hive ecosystem.

    We can even tip the ones helping us accomodate in Hive Stream developed by @bambukah, as donations can be integrated. And I remember we can vote for streaming in vimm.tv also. This is a good way to reward and incentivize the ones taking their time to teach us. I am not sure if we can tip on Twitter lives or on discord live sessions.

    There is still so much to learn about Hive and I feel like I have a lot to catch up to.

    Thank you so much for reading!

    What do you think?

    With respect,

    Posted using Tribaldex Blog

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