Strava2Hive Rewards Post - Week Ending 2023-03-17

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Back for another week of rewards from @strava2hive

    Unfortunately we did have about a 19 hour issue at the start of the week, which stopped any posts from being up loaded to Hive. Unfortunately an API that uploads images was down and we were not able to really do anything about it...If anyone knows of who manages these services, please let me know, I would love to help and make the service more stable as a result.

    That being said, we still posted 94 activities to Hive using the @strava2hive service, so I don't think it caused too many issues. As always, well done to everyone, with another great week of results.

    We are continuing on with the leader board working on "Calories" burned over the week. Rewards will be provided to the top 30 users of the @strava2hive service. Please note that if there are only 19 users posting for the previous week, we will split the rewards across those 19 users.

    This Weeks Leader Board:

    1. @taushifahamed - 9707.6 Calories Burned - 0.665 HBD
    2. @navidjahanshahi - 6976.59 Calories Burned - 0.478 HBD
    3. @nabbas0786 - 6608.81 Calories Burned - 0.453 HBD
    4. - 4713.1 Calories Burned **
    5. @matisport - 4611.0 Calories Burned - 0.316 HBD
    6. @masoom - 3229.73 Calories Burned - 0.221 HBD
    7. @argon - 3118.0 Calories Burned - 0.214 HBD
    8. - 3059.5 Calories Burned - 0.210 HBD
    9. @svanbo - 2919.0 Calories Burned - 0.200 HBD
    10. @bhabb - 2760.0 Calories Burned - 0.189 HBD
    11. @maccazftw - 2656.0 Calories Burned - 0.182 HBD
    12. @actaylor - 2641.8 Calories Burned - 0.181 HBD
    13. @kiwibloke - 2361.8 Calories Burned - 0.162 HBD
    14. @alzee - 2298.0 Calories Burned - 0.157 HBD
    15. @toofasteddie - 2179.0 Calories Burned - 0.149 HBD
    16. @dejan.vuckovic - 2125.0 Calories Burned - 0.146 HBD
    17. @michelmake.util - 1852.0 Calories Burned - 0.127 HBD
    18. @dannewton - 1670.0 Calories Burned - 0.114 HBD
    19. @steevc - 1603.0 Calories Burned - 0.110 HBD
    20. @buzzgoblin - 1095.0 Calories Burned - 0.075 HBD
    21. @neuerko - 1020.0 Calories Burned - 0.070 HBD
    22. @giorgakis - 785.0 Calories Burned - 0.054 HBD
    23. @ingi1976 - 777.0 Calories Burned - 0.053 HBD
    24. @tranmtb - 707.0 Calories Burned - 0.048 HBD
    25. @new.things - 635.0 Calories Burned - 0.044 HBD
    26. @ervin-lemark - 389.0 Calories Burned - 0.027 HBD
    27. @thishuman - 313.0 Calories Burned - 0.021 HBD
    28. @bobinson - 162.0 Calories Burned - 0.011 HBD

    ** and strava2hive are organisers of the service and as a result is happy to forfiet any rewards earned and they are placed back into the pool of HDB offered to users.

    Service Updates For The Week

    I have been discussing a weekly training summary as part of the service and have put something together like the following:

    If this is something you would be interested in, let me know and also let me know if you think there should be some specific information that could be added in here.

    The new leader board page will be located here:

    And as always, please let me know if you are experiencing any issues, or if you have any suggestions for the service.

    Curation Trail For @strava2hive

    There is now a curation trail set up for @strava2hive, so make sure you are set up to follow the trail and are also automatically upvoting.

    If you are interested in using the service, please access the following link, as this will be able to give you the full details on what you need to do to get started using the service:

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