My favorite beverage and a slightly strange ritual: Week 195

in voilk •  4 months ago

    A necessary introduction

    This is one of the sections that I enjoy the most in this community, so whenever I can I participate and if I don't do it more often it's because I don't have images for the occasion and I don't like to default.

    It happens that the topics proposed by @galenkp put us on the table several elements to share our experiences around them. In my case I will tell you about my favorite drink and a ritual that for many is strange and that for sure you will be amazed when you read it.

    I ask you to read me to the end and leave your comments, about the ritual or whatever you understand necessary.

    **My sentence to complete

    My favorite alcoholic beverage is BEER.

    I must clarify that it is the only drink I drink and those who know me know that between me and it there is a complicity that overflows all the reasoning that can exist.

    Beer has been my accomplice in several activities, those who know my love for it give it to me as a gift for special occasions and it has been present in my birthday parties, wedding anniversaries or family parties.

    **My favorite beers and the parties.

    As it happens with children, you love them all, but, no matter how hard you try to say otherwise, there are always favorites. It's the same here. I like beers, but, there are some that are above others and, depending on the activity I'm doing, there are some that are better than others.

    For example, if I'm short of money and I want to have a beer, I prefer a strong beer because I'm satisfied with a couple of beers.

    If the activity is a birthday party I prefer light and mild because the time of the activity is longer and I can spend the whole party enjoying myself.

    But, my favorite is Bucanero beer in a bottle, a Cuban beer of 5.4 degrees of alcohol and that, without being dark, is not at all light.

    I must say that in my family parties, with my co-workers or my friends it is present to liven up life and make the celebrations more pleasant.

    My ritual with beer

    There is something I can't stop doing if I'm in a coffee shop and there is beer and coffee, and that is to combine these two drinks. These tastes and flavors so different in terms of temperature, texture, flavor and many other things attract me and provoke a well-being in me that is impossible for me to explain.

    Many have told me that they have never tried it, but I am sure that if they do they will feel the immense pleasure that I feel when I try these two beverages.

    A final comment

    I do not consider myself a beer scholar nor do I drink it every day. In this part of the world it is impossible because the salary would not be enough for it.

    Despite the above, beer is part of my life and it is my favorite alcoholic beverage and my loyalty to it is eternal.

    Note: All images are my own taken with my Samsung J2 phone.

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