City of Nitra and peak Zobor / Nitra a vrch Zobor

in voilk •  4 months ago


    In the previous article, we learned something about the Nitra Castle, and today we will go see the city of Nitra and take a trip to Zobor. You can find this old historical town in western Slovakia. It is the fifth largest Slovak city and I highly recommend you to visit it. I went to university here and fell in love with the city. I always like to come back here.


    The beginnings of settlement on this territory date back to prehistoric times. The first Zobor fortress was built here already 3000 years before Christ. Nitra has always been a cultural, political and economic center. The tribes of Celts, Germans and finally Slavs took turns here. I guess the first most famous entity was the Principality of Nitra and Prince Pribin, whom you can see in the photo.


    The city prospered significantly even during the period of Great Moravia, and there was even a larger agglomeration here than at present.


    Nitra really has a lot to brag about. The first known Christian church in Central and Eastern Europe was built here in 828 and the first diocese was located here.


    During the reign of Svätopluk, the city flourished. Five castles were built on its territory. They were built mainly of clay, sometimes of stone and also had wooden elements. There were twenty markets. This proves that Nitra was not only a religious, but also a commercial and military center. The period of the Principality of Nitra and Great Moravia was probably the best period in the history of the city.


    In the Middle Ages, the city suffered a lot. It had a strategic location and an important castle, so it became the target of many military expeditions.


    In 1248, Nitra was a royal city, but forty years later it became an episcopal city. This significantly changed its status and made it a second-category city. At least from the king's point of view. However, it became the episcopal seat and the center of faith and thus continued to be an important center.



    For a while, it also fell into Turkish hands, specifically in 1633 during the Turkish conquests. However, the royal army liberated her a year later.


    The city, like many others, did not escape bombing during the Second World War. However, we could conclude that this bombing was not a military necessity. In March 1945, Soviet fighters flew over Nitra. They destroyed the anti-aircraft batteries that protected the airspace over the city. A few minutes later, Soviet bombers arrived and bombed the city. At that time, markets were held in the city and there were many people in the square. 345 people died, including only 13 soldiers. At that time, no Wehrmacht army was in the vicinity.


    I have two more tips for visitors to the city. If you have small children, be sure to stop by the city park. You can find it behind the castle, and in addition to the nice view of the castle from there, there is also a mini zoo. Here you will find farm animals, as well as deer and a children's playground.



    In the title I mention Mount Zobor. It is a peak above the city that seems to guard it. I myself have been on it several times. It is a good walk through the deciduous forest. It has a nice view of the whole city. We went to the mountain to toast. We took a guitar and sausages and relaxed like this during the warm summer evenings.


    Zobor is also known for its natural significance. There is a nature reserve called Zoborská lesostep. There are thermophilic glassy, steppe and forest-steppe plant communities. In addition to the protection of these biotopes, the forest-steppe also has an educational character. There are excursions and lectures about these plant communities and their protection.

    Thank you.


    V predchádzajúcom článku sme sa niečo dozvedeli o Nitrianskom hrade a dnes sa pôjdeme pozrieť do mesta Nitra a urobíme si výlet na Zobor. Toto staré historické mesto nájdete na západnom Slovensku. Je to piate najväčšie slovenské mesto a vrelo vám ho odporúčam navštíviť. Ja som tu chodil na vysokú školu a mesto som si obľúbil. Vždy sa sem rád vraciam.


    Počiatky osídlenia na tomto území siahajú až do praveku. Prvé hradisko Zobor tu bolo vybudované už 3000 rokov pred Kristom. Odjakživa bola Nitra kultúrnym, politickým a hospodárskym centrom. Vystriedali sa tu kmene Keltov, Germánov a nakoniec Slovanov. Hádam prvým najznámejším útvarom bolo Nitrianske kniežatstvo a knieža Pribina, ktorého môžete vidieť na fotografii.


    Mesto výrazne prosperovalo aj za obdobia Veľkej Moravy a bola tu dokonca väčšia aglomerácia ako v súčasnosti.


    Nitra sa naozaj má čím chváliť. Bol tu postavený prvý známy kresťanský kostol v strednej a východnej Európe v roku 828 a sídlila tu prvá diecéza.


    Za vlády Svätopluka mesto prekvitalo. Na jeho území bolo vybudovaných päť hradísk. Tie boli vybudované predovšetkým z hliny, miestami z kameňa a mali aj drevené prvky. Bolo tu dvadsať trhovísk. To svedčí o tom, že Nitra nebola iba náboženským, ale aj obchodným a vojenským centrom. Obdobie Nitrianskeho kniežatstva a Veľkej Moravy bolo asi najlepším obdobím v histórii mesta.


    V stredoveku mesto dosť trpelo. Malo strategickú polohu a významný hrad a tak sa stalo cieľom mnohých vojenských výprav.


    V roku 1248 bola Nitra kráľovským mestom, no o štyridsať rokov neskôr sa stala biskupským. Tým sa výrazne zmenilo jej postavenie a stala sa mestom druhej kategórie. Aspoň z pohľadu kráľa. Stala sa však biskupským sídlom a centrom viery a tak bola naďalej významným centrom.



    Na chvíľu sa dostala aj do tureckých rúk a to konkrétne v roku 1633 pri tureckých výbojoch. Kráľovské vojsko ju však už o rok neskôr oslobodilo.


    Mesto sa ako mnoho ďalších nevyhlo bombardovaniu počas druhej svetovej vojny. Mohli by sme však skonštatovať, že toto bombardovanie nebolo vojenský nevyhnutné. V marci 1945 prileteli sovietske stíhačky nad Nitru. Zničili protilietadlové batérie, ktoré chránili vzdušný priestor nad mestom. O niekoľko minút prileteli sovietske bombardéry a zbombardovali mesto. V tom čase sa v meste konali trhy a na námestí bolo veľa ľudí. Zomrelo 345 ľudí z toho iba 13 vojakov. V tom čase sa už žiadna armáda wermachtu v okolí nenachádzala.


    Pre návštevníkov mesta mám ešte dva tipy na návštevu. Ak máte malé deti tak určite sa zastavte v mestskom parku. Nájdete ho za hradom a okrem toho, že je odtiaľ pekný pohľad na hrad, nachádza sa tu aj mini zoo. Nájdete tu hospodárske zvieratá, ale aj srny a detské ihrisko.



    V nadpise spomínam vrch Zobor. Je to vrchol nad mestom, ktorý ho akoby strážil. Sám som na ňom bol niekoľkokrát. Je to dobrá prechádzka listnatým lesom. Je z neho pekný výhľad na celé mesto. My sme na vrch chodili opekať. Zobrali sme si gitaru a klobásky a počas teplých letných večerov sme takto relaxovali.


    Zobor je známi aj svojím prírodným významom. Je tu prírodná rezervácia, ktorá sa volá Zoborská lesostep. Nachádzajú sa tu teplomilné sklalné, stepné a lesostepné rastlinné spoločenstvá. Okrem ochrany týchto biotopov má lesostep aj vzdelávací charakter. Robia sa tu exkurzie a prednašky o týchto rastlinných spoločenstvách a ich ochrane.


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