The value I seek in a friend

in voilk •  last month


    Everyone needs someone to call a friend, the word friend means someone who can have a bond of mutual affection for someone, someone who will always be available for you such a person can be identified as a friend both in need and indeed.

    The value of a friend is by the quality the person possesses.

    Key value I seek in a friend.

    Personally I have challenge when it comes to making friends I hardly keep friends because in the past I have been disappointed so many times so it makes it difficult for me to keep friends but truth be told I still have values that I think can motivate me to build Bond of friendship with someone.

    Let's take those qualities one after the other.



    Unfortunately most people do not understand the importance of the quality trust.
    Trust is the basic level of any friendship because if you trust someone you can rely on the person you can be confident to confide in the person and you can be set in that such person will be by your side during difficult time.

    Trust is not automated rather it grows over time as two friend continues to show consistency in matters concerning his or her friend and also continues to be honest in all things and loyal to his friend this helps to build trust and confidence in the friendship.

    Show Respect for each other

    I love it when my friend respect my opinions and feelings over any arising matter.

    Friendship grows when both party respects each other's opinion and do not try to impose their personal choices when discussing a topic, if you respect your friend you will always understand and know your limits and personal boundaries, also respect also involves noticing some specific qualities of your friend and appreciating such qualities instead of constantly complaining.

    Show Empathy.

    This is another quality that helps to grow friendship, empathy helps to understand and share in the feeling of another person, understanding each other's emotion and responding to it s compassionately helps to grow friendship.

    An empathetic friend pays closed attention to his friend as he tailors his view over a matter without judging or coming to conclusion before getting the fact, also an empathetic person feels for his friend and provide comfort and encouragement without being told.

    Communication is vital

    Effective communication is vital for a relationship to grow because when you communicate you share your feelings and pay close attention to each other, also open communication helps to handle conflict wisely instead of allowing the matter to escalate.

    Supporting each other.

    A supportive friend always helps when there is need and always celebrate when there is success this helps to create strong enduring bonds, a good friend supports each other emotionally by reassuring and comforting each other when there is challenges , also a good friend provides practical support when there is need for resources.

    Showing Humility and Integrity

    A humble person goes a long way to make his or her friend comfortable, an in friendship humility helps both party to become better companions because a humble fellow do not allow any atom of ego or pride to set in and this help to reduce conflict in a relationship.
    Integrity helps to build trust and respect in friendship because integrity involves strong moral and being genuine in everything.

    Non-jugdemental and forgiving.

    If you have a friend who has a record in his or her heart where he writes down all the wrong you wronged each other that friendship will not last, and for as long as the friendship stays it will be as good as not having a friend at all.

    I love it when two people who are friends do not judge each other and do not harbor resentment because as imperfect humans they are likely to have differences.

    To be forgiven and not judgemental that means there must be strong love between the two that calls themselves friends.

    I heard a friend whom i never knew she was putting down every little offence of mine, i stopped being her friend the day she gave me a breakdown of how i offended her in the past two years.


    Independence and accountability.

    An independent person is always accountable for his or her actions, he doesn't shift blame to anyone, such person is always ready to give an answer, this quality makes friendship smoother and sweeter, a coward is never independent and is not accountable for anything.

    No one loves making friends with someone that likes gossip, so its very important to chose people who don't like excess talk because excessive talks leads to gossip.


    A good friend helps to improve the mental health of his friend, because he's ready to support you, encourage you and provide the needed assistance, he doesn't give unnecessary stress over little or non valuable things.
    Also a valuable friend knows when to stop and give a friend some time to meditate, yes when you have friends who are honest, that shows empathy, that are loyal and accountable definitely you will enjoy friendship a lot.

    My entry for #juneinleo first topic.


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