The story of a trip to a charming natural tourist spot

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello Hiver in Photography Lover Community

    How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are


    My trip today was to one of the tourist attractions where I live. The location is also not far from where I live. It only takes me about 15 minutes to travel by motorbike.

    This place is not only a tourist attraction for visitors. The community uses this place as a means of sports, such as running and rowing bicycles.

    Continuing the story of my journey, 15 minutes passed, I arrived at the location. At that time, I didn't immediately take photos. But, I looked for the right location for me to photograph that afternoon.

    In my opinion, this place is very beautiful and comfortable for visitors. With very beautiful and charming views here. And visitors can watch the fluttering birds that decorate the sky. Apart from that, what is no less interesting here. There are a number of fishermen who work there to earn a living by netting fish there. And also this place has a mangrove forest


    Seagulls fly over the surface of the water very close to hunt for small fish in it. Occasionally you can see these seagulls diving very quickly and catching their prey.

    Burung-burung camar yang terbang di atas permukaan air yang sangat dekat untuk berburu ikan kecil-kecil di dalamnya. Sesekali terlihat burung camar tersebut menyelam dengan sangat cepat dan menangkap mangsanya.




    Below is a flock of egrets flying across the sky, these egrets fly in the afternoon to their nest in a mangrove tree.

    Dibawah ini merupakan kawanan kuntul yang terbang menghiasi langit, kuntul-kuntul tersebut terbang pada sore hari menuju sarangnya di atas pohon mangrove.


    As I said, this place has natural views of extraordinary beauty. Especially in the afternoon towards evening. We can see how beautiful the view of the sun is, which is something God created for all of us.

    Seperti yang saya katakan di tempat ini memiliki pemandangan alam yang sangat luar biasa keindahannya. Apalagi pada saat sore menjelang malam. Kita bisa menyaksikan betapa indahnya pemandangan matahari yang merupakan sesuatu ciptaan tuhan kepada kita semua.



    OK, this is a post about my day trip to a tourist attraction in my place. Hopefully this article can serve as initial information for people who want to visit Indonesia. Apart from that, I have also included several photos of my trip to this location.

    Baiklah, ini postingan perjalanan saya sehari ke tempat objek wisata di tempat saya. Semoga tulisan ini bisa menjadi sebagai informasi awal bagi orang yang ingin berkunjung ke Indonesia. Selain itu, saya juga turut menyertakan beberapa foto tentang perjalanan saya ke lokasi ini.

    All Picture Taken With Sony A7 II Camera
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