The Bell Ringing Job in the Clock Tower.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    So, we were inside the tower in the middle of a crowded market in a city of Madagascar and after interacting there using the gold coin we found in England, there popped up some zodiac symbols with some sculptures and its time I solve the puzzles of these symbols.

    So, I was climbing up top on the broken stairs when Sullivan waited below for me to do the rest though I thought he'd follow me and I was also asking me how he'd do these climbing's at this age and I found him on below on the ground looking at the surface locks.

    Now I stared being a Spider-Man without webs, I mean I started doing the parkour moves now and I found puzzles there as well. Like I had to climb on that big thing first and jump.

    Then I had to jump on the other one which was a little upwards when I first jumped one it. As these are the functions of the big clock, they don't stay at the same point. When I jump and give weigh on the upper one, it goes down and the other one goes up and I had to keep them in a way so I could jump on the other side.

    After doing the jump, the wood that I hold was about to break down and fortunately it didn't fall and after climbing up, I noticed I was close right beside the special mechanisms of the clock and they kept rotating like how they work and I had to climb them carefully that I don't stuck in there.

    The first bell I found was of Leo and I tried ringing the bell but nothing happened as I had to do this in order to how the statues appeared. Nothing happened though Nathan was not happy with the loud sound.

    I opened up the journal to see the order on how the statues appeared and I found Scorpio > Aquarius > Leo > Taurus so the first one I should work with was Scorpio and after doing some more jumping and climbing, I got to Scorpio and rang the bell and one lock of the door was unlocked.

    Now to Aquarius and I mistakenly left the right one behind and I got to Leo again so I had to go the same way again and ring the bell of Aquarius that unlocked another part.

    And then I went to Taurus cause I though that's the next one but after ringing the bell, nothing happened so I opened up the journal again and I found that I forgot the correct order that I saw a moment ago. It should be Leo and then Taurus.

    I rang the bell of Leo that unlocked another one and then I went for Taurus that unlocked the last one but now all we could see was the logo of Avery on the floor and no door or anything opened for us.

    Then I noticed there was a last big bell on top of the tower and I started climbing up top which was a tough job as I had to freeze the clock mechanism at a point and I had to climb fast and jump fast cause it continues rotating in a short time.

    Now I was outside the building from where I could see such a fantastic view that you can see above and I had to go to the other side of the clock by climbing on the hands of the clock and for this, I had to manipulate the time of the clock and the tall hand fell down right after I got on the other side which means I just lost my way to get down.

    Using my rope attaching to that pole, I climbed above and reached the top of the tower where the big ring was waiting for me and I could see the beautiful view from there now.

    Before going in and interact with the bell which might change the whole situation, I climbed on the top part to get cool views and for a second, it seemed like I was playing an Assassin's Creed game but I just couldn't do an eagle synchronization and a big jump from there.

    But I could jump like this holding my rope attaching to the pole and these jumps looks fun so whenever I can, I do these jumps after a run from those high points.

    Now, I reached the handle of the bell to ring it and when I was trying to do it, the handle broke and fell down all the way to the ground and Nathan shouted and asked Sullivan to move from the ground. Now I had to do it manually and do you understand what I mean by manually?

    Had to take a big risk and swing there under the bell to rind it and I did it, the bell rang but something terrible happened at that moment.

    The biggest bell of the tower broke down as it couldn't take Nathan's weight and Nathan was falling down with it as well. Along with the big bell, everything that on its way were breaking and falling down and I kept trying to jump and climb around to save his a**.

    At last, Nathan reached the ground and he got saved fortunately though it was a tough call and he almost died there.

    When he got up from the ground, a big clock machine fell right beside him which could crush him like a piece of cake if he were at a little that side but he got saved again and the destruction came to an end and we found the door of the surface was open for us but the big bell fell right there and blocked the door.

    The next post will be coming soon. Screenshots are my take from the game and I took the game logo that I used on the thumbnail picture from online.

    SEE YOU.

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