My Actifit Report Card: March 25 2024 - An Unexpected Day

in voilk •  3 months ago


    There was a touch of the odd in the morning air.

    I was half asleep at my desk when I noticed a huge truck pull up outside the classroom window.

    It brought enormous cartons of tiles, a surprise makeover for the schoolyard.

    The sound of a small bulldozer and excavator rumbling in sparkled with a little excitement.

    For my three-year-old pupils, any vehicle other than a standard car is a show.


    It goes without saying that we all threw on our coats and headed out the door to get a front-row seat to the construction show.

    The second surprise of the day occurred back in class.

    It was Grandparents' Day today!

    We'd prepared a tasty vegetable soup in advance of their arrival.


    The soup needed to be prepared made, but happily the dishes had already been scrubbed.

    Although the kids were unable to assist themselves with cooking, they were able to work together to set the tables.

    We received a ton of praise from our grandparents for the soup and the careful service provided by our youthful "waiters and waitresses."

    It was a very memorable morning.

    In the middle of the day's chaos, my phone rang.

    It was my brother, which doesn't happen very often when I'm at work.

    I knew this would not be a casual call when I answered. He was at the hospital with Dad, inquiring if I could come.

    It was not an option for me to leave the kids, but in less than 30 minutes, I was on my way because of my incredible colleagues.

    My brother had reassuringly mentioned that it wasn't an emergency.


    Later, I was in the emergency room, standing at my father's bedside.

    He appeared pale and in pain, not at all like the man who had always been the picture of strength and independence.

    They conducted a number of procedures, including blood testing and an ultrasound, but they were unable to receive a conclusive diagnosis.

    They admitted him as a precaution and scheduled an MRI for tomorrow afternoon.

    Gallstones are the most likely explanation.

    We hold on to the hope that tomorrow might provide greater clarity.


    Mom and I refueled at the hospital restaurant by the end of the day.

    Dad was finally asleep thanks to pain medication, so we could leave and go home.

    It wasn't necessary for us to be there, whereas his rest was very important.

    To be honest, right now, all I want is to be cozy in my own bed.

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    Wishing you all the best in life and much health.

    @meraki7578 💚

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    Is on discord.gif

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    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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