
in voilk •  5 months ago


    "Don't sell me a dog." Adam said, holding tightly on the glass of whiskey in his hands before gulping it down in one shot.

    "Pardon?" The lady asked, holding on to her puppy.

    "You don't have to act like... don't worry, what do you want?" Adam asked with disgust.

    Frowning her face, the lady answered with a venomous tone. "Now that you said that, I am not surprised you have a lot of people wanting you dead... asshole."

    "Pardon?" Adam asked, raising his face up to meet up with the lady.

    "Pardon yourself, Mr. Don't sell me a dog. FYI, this dog is never for sale. It belongs to my sister, and I am just holding on to it till she gets back from the washroom."

    "What do you mean by people wanting to kill me?" Adam asked with a sigh.

    "You should find that answer elsewhere, Mr. Smarty pants." The lady replied with a smile.

    "Oh, cut off the chase lady, and tell me who you work for." Adam spoke, pouring himself another whiskey to drink.

    "You can't command me. And you'll address me with some respect seeing I have a lot of saving, to do." The Lady said with a bigger smile as she stretched the last statement.

    "Aren't you here with your sister? What are..."

    "Aren't you here to be sold an item?" The lady asked, cutting Adam's sentence short.

    With a deep chuckle, Adam bangs his fist on the table with a smirk. "I see, I have told Dominic to stop sending his minions over. I don't need help."

    "He owes it to your father to keep you alive, and if you'd keep your mouth shut, you'll listen and let me do my job." The Lady replied with her face up.

    ”...and I am not one of Dominic's minions, I am the best he has, and we have to move now. You've drawn more attention to yourself. Congratulations!” The lady said with a deeper smile before picking the whiskey bottle and chunking its content down her throat.

    With eyes calculating, she moved her legs slightly like Bruce Lee would while holding her dog with her other hand.

    From the far corner of her eyes, she saw someone moving, and she could tell he was a killer, holding tightly on the bottle of whiskey. She hit on the table and threw it across the room like a ballet dancer who had seen her partner far away and wanted to reconnect with him.

    "Cut!" The film director screamed, standing up from his chair, he sighed deeply. "A word, Miss Priscilia." The director said, walking close to the movie set to meet the Lady.

    With a deeper sigh, he added, "You need to rehearse again. Before you throw the whiskey bottle, be sure the other person is closer enough so you won't miss it. You need to put lots of emotions into it. How about we call it a day and you practice more at home?" The director said before walking off.

    "Well, I guess you have some practicing to do." Adam said with a smirk on his face.

    "Yeah, yeah... you must be enjoying this. Being the damsel in distress in a movie really suits you. You can call on me when you need help in reality, too." Priscilia smiled before turning around.

    "We both know there's someone who needs help in reality, and that is you. Go home and learn to be a better actress. We don't have more time to waste." Adam replied before walking off.

    Closing her eyes briefly, Priscilia mildly bit on her lower lip. "What an A-hole. Always cocky and bossy."

    "It is kind of funny how you two are in reality. Always ready to bite each other's head off. Your live events are already a lovely movie on its own, and I bet it would have lots of views. I know I will take the front seat..." Angela chuckled lightly before hugging Priscilia.

    Smiling, Priscilia hugged her back. "Well, how's your family?"

    "Your god-daughter is crazy about your last movie. She won't let anyone rest at home with her pirate cap." Angela replied with a deeper chuckle.

    "Haha. I have missed her terribly. Being on set again has made me very busy. I'll see her after I get this done here." Priscilia said with a smile before bidding goodbye to Angela.

    Going off the set, Priscilia decided to walk to her hotel. She could have hailed her cab, but she couldn't help wanting to feel the wind on her face and the sound of people's chatter. Dressed in a blue Jean trouser, and a V- neck, she hugged her black jacket closer to her body before touching her head to be sure the face cap she wore is doing a nice job keeping her from being met by fans.

    Her mind drifted back to what the director had said, and she knew she had a lot of work to do. She had practiced the scene in her head a billion times, and she still couldn't get it out well. It was frustrating and undeniably taking a toll on her.


    As she walked on, she heard a scream and moved her leg faster to where the voice was heard. She took a sharp right turn and was met with a guy with a bottle charging towards a woman.

    Her heartbeat went up, and she felt her adrenaline up, running at full speed. She pushed the guy off with her shoulder, shielding the woman from the impact of the bottle on her.

    The bottle fell off the guy's hand as his body hit the wall. Picking up the bottle tightly, Priscilia watched the guy standing up with a smirk on.

    "Today is my lucky day. All I want is just her purse and... you can give me yours too." The guy said, pulling out a small knife from his hip.

    Standing upright, Priscilia moved her legs slightly as she calmed her heart. Closing her eyes, she tuned out the noises around and focused on just one.

    As if on cue, the guy moved, and Priscilia opened her eyes with a smile on her lips before throwing the bottle straight towards his shoulder. A piercing sound was heard, and the guy's body slumped backwards.

    Bringing out her phone, Priscilia called 911 before attending to the woman beside her.

    When the police came, they took her statement, and she was allowed to leave the scene.

    Priscilia made her way towards the hotel, and as she got into her room, she couldn't help going for a drink. And while she drank, her mind played the scenario that happened earlier, and she couldn't but sigh deeply as it clicked on her that she was going to do an awesome job tomorrow.

    ...and, for the very first time since she started the movie, Priscilia was 100% sure she would deliver something spectacular, and there was one face she thought of as she smirked.

    She couldn't help but hoped the next day would come earlier. She needs to see the look on his face when she does a perfect job.

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