My Actifit Report Card: March 11 2024 - Steps, Songs, and Schnitzels

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Fitness Triumph

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    Woke up feeling yesterday's workout!
    It's always more motivating to hit the gym with a partner, and my youngest son joined me for some fun exercise.
    Sure, the soreness is real, but I know staying active helps ease the ache. Time to get moving again today!


    Rainy Day Blues:
    Rain forecast for the whole day? ️
    Looks like our outdoor plans are on hold.
    Hopefully, the weather eases up a bit, so we can sneak in some playtime with the kids.

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    Mornings Filled with Fun:
    Mornings are full of enriching activities!
    Fine motor skills get a workout with the bead board, little ones explore new books, and of course, there's always time for singing.
    We add new songs to our repertoire regularly, making every day a musical adventure.

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    A Simple Soiree:
    Quick grocery run during my one-hour break!
    Three colleagues are joining me for dinner tonight, and while I'd love to spend more time cooking, it'll be a simple affair. Here's to good company and delicious food!

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    Indoor Entertainment:
    The rain persists, so indoor fun it is! Educational games and kinetic sand keep the kids entertained, and before we know it, it's already 6 PM. Time to head home!


    A Stroke of Luck:
    Phew, with this weather, the streets are deserted!
    What’s a good thing because I found my son's forgotten key on the doorknob.
    A reminder to be extra cautious with house keys.

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    Dinner Delights:
    Treating my colleagues to a homemade feast tonight!
    We're starting with yesterday's delicious tomato soup, followed by Wiener schnitzel with all the trimmings - mushroom sauce, fries, salad, and veggies.
    Unfortunately, we were all too full for dessert, but there's always next time!

    Steps to Success:
    Wrapped up this wet but fulfilling day with 7,526 steps! Good night everyone!

    ladiesofhive aliveandthriving freecompliments posh pob archon pimp

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    Wishing you all the best in life and much health.

    @meraki7578 💚

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    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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