My entry to today's Monomad Challenge, last post of 2024.

in voilk •  2 months ago

    As I told you in the previous post, after my daily walk I returned again to this corner where the “Upper Bridge” begins, to take some more pictures but in this case at night, long exposure trying to capture something interesting and that normally I don't do, it is not the type of photography that I like the most but I don't have the tastes of others, I know that for some people really love that style and I better not go deeper into the subject because I don't want to bother anyone with my opinion haha.

    Since I haven't tried something like this for a long time I had to find the right frame, and since I didn't have a tripod with me my best friend was the sidewalk on the side of the street, so I sat there and started to analyze what I could do.


    In the next photograph a vendor came into the frame, during the capture he hardly moved but the wind did move some bags hanging from his mobile business.


    In the third photograph the same street vendor comes out with a strange effect due to the movement, and on the left side the idea was beginning to take shape.


    Next attempt looking for what I really want.


    As I was not satisfied with the work I decided to get up and put the camera in another position, I also increased the risk of dropping my camera to the ground because of the fact that I didn't have a tripod, but I think the shot was worth every second of risk.


    Already in the final photograph I was more satisfied with the result, especially when I edited the color photography because at that precise moment I remembered the Matrix movies, which made me think that we are really facing a simulation in which we all do what we are programmed to do.


    End of the year and the habit or programming says that we should celebrate, go out and have fun to forget the problems of life, some will return home safe and sound, some will not make it, tonight is nothing special unless you think so, that's what I thought at that moment and while editing the pictures that by the way, I hope to improve even more from tomorrow.


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