ANNOUNCEMENT - postponed tourney

in voilk •  3 months ago



    Saturday, May 4thth
    @ 7pm UTC*
    Poker Now (no link yet - will come)1500

    * Google link for your convenience

    If you haven't, please add you Poker Now name in the comments to this post.



    Skipping one

    Due to the fact that I'm doing this alone I'm afraid I ahve to cancel our tourney this coming Saturday.

    I am leaving for Norway with the team on Friday and won't be back before Sunday.

    Another day?!

    If you guys want to play one of the weekdays in next week, let me know in a comment and we'll have it set up Wednesday. Same time as usual.
    If this does not happen I will increase rewards in the next tourney.

    This would mean

    • 2x double KO rewards
    • Double points (100 in total)


    Until next time,
    take care friends.


    The Dealer


    This post is using to get liquid $HIVE towards the end of season prizepool for easier conversion

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