Making bags out of origami paper

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Making bags out of origami paper**

    It's a pleasure to meet you again in all my latest works and I'm also happy that I can give back to this community with my latest work, namely making a bag from origami paper.

    Bags are one of the accessories that we must have in life because bags can make it easier for us to carry various equipment and living equipment such as clothes and others. We often encounter this among women, they always use it to carry their equipment. We can see this from the form and the way we do it well

    there are lots of bags and the latest models that we can enjoy from the results of several posts in this case because I prefer the shape that I made because this shape is simple and makes our eyes more entertained

    but as usual when I do something and give something to other people of course I share a tutorial on how to make it because besides him receiving it well I try to do it well with all my friends tutorials and we do it happily

    Ingredients used

    • Origami paper
    • Dabel stip
    • Scissors

    How to make it

    Do the first step properly, namely take the origami paper then fold it in half, then fold the right side and left side in the middle. After that we open it again and see the results of the folds. Is it correct? Next what we do is we will fold the ends of the origami paper 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom and after that we fold it inward.

    The next step is when we fold it to the middle, then we fold it into two parts. After that, we fold it under a small amount to form the instep. After that we open it again, we fold the top side to the right and the top side to the left so do the same thing at the bottom. The bottom side is to the right and so the bottom is to the left. After that we open it again.

    then we fold it down and front and back

    then we form the front and back hearts

    then we take the rope. As for the ties to make the bag handle and I prepared 2 origami paper. The front side and the back side

    After I do it well, step by step, I will show the final result from the first form to the end, of course the final result can make us entertained.

    That's what I can share with all my friends to entertain all my friends in this community that we love. This latest work is a little more interesting than the previous one. Because this is a cute work and is shaped like a heart, I really like it. I hope you guys like this too. Hopefully you can do well with the tutorial I shared


    About me

    My full name is aries bin muhammad, many friends on the nest platform call my name ari or aries, I come from the country of Indonesia which is specifically located in Aceh Province, I was born in 2006 until now I have completed high school education. I like interesting and unique things and I am also a lover of photography and art and new things, so on this beloved platform I will share about photography, art, traveling and other interesting things.

    Thank you for your visit

    Best Regards @aries12

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