Writing my report a little early, My Actifit Report Card: March 12 2024

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Today was a great day for this guy. Wet and awful. So wet he felt right at home walking around in the mall parking lot.

    Actually it wasn't that bad. My day was thrown a little off because my son still doesn't have his car back. Just like yesterday it was raining far too hard in the morning for me to expect him to walk to school. That means my morning routine got thrown off a little bit because I had to wait for him to go to school before I could do anything.

    I used that time to do my stretching and read my bible. I know stretching might not sound like doing much but when you get older it is pretty important as everything seems to seize up (sigh).

    After dropping my son off I went for a little walk by myself. It is just so much faster than if I have Nico with me.

    After I got home I did a bit of work on Hive, paid some bills, and did a little ChatGPT searching/learning.

    Then it was off to take the doggo for his walk once things got a little bit less awful.

    I don't think the weather knew whether it was going to be rain, gloom, or sun but for most of the walk it was dry so I'll take that.

    After getting back home I had a bit of food and wanted to watch anime. Unfortunately I fell asleep while watching. Another bummer part of getting older.

    Of course, feeling bad about napping when I didn't really want to I decided to figure out a new weight routine. I did a little work with my weights and kettlebell but thought that maybe I should learn a routine that just uses my body weight.

    So, after a bit of Youtube searching I now have a new routine for daily calesthenics. Mostly lunges, planks, and the like which are far more difficult than they look! If I can continue with it for any length of time I'll write more about it later :)

    Around 4:00pm it was time to take my son to work (he walked home when the rain stopped). After getting my son to work it was time for my furry son to have his second walk of the day.

    By the end of the day the sun decided it was going to come out and visit. The bright sunshine made everything look so much cheerier. Horray!

    Arrived at home and I could get some more steps by doing errands around the house and such. However, my wife isn't home so I figured I'd write my blog early so she doesn't see me on a device when she gets home. She always thinks I'm playing games or being unproductive when I'm on my phone.

    I will have to be up late tonight (sigh) because I have to pick my son up from work at 11:30pm. I really hope he gets his car back soon ;)

    Thanks for dropping by today.

    Until tomorrow :)
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io


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