Beyond Doubt: Whispers of the Unseen - Chapter 121

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Beyond Doubt (2).jpg

    Welcome to my seemingly endless journey.
    A trip that will take you to places I might have visited many moons ago.
    It´s a tale that came back to me when I meditated on one of my past lives. A life I told you about in my unbelievable true story.

    As promised in that story I will now share this story with you.

    Click Back Button to Start with Chapter 1

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    Chapter 121

    Dear Reader, After an eternity, a life full of wanderings, he comes home.

    It was clear to him, he knew where he belonged and Argos knew he was home. Argos greeted his master and died at his feet.

    What is your home, is it the birthplace where you took your first steps? Or the place where you left your heart.

    At some point we all (want to) return to the scene of the crime, most often that feeling arises when it's already too late.

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    “You spoke wonderfully, I don't know if it will ever happen, but I think we have taken the first step towards becoming fully aware,” she looks at the empty room as she puts her arm around my shoulder.

    “It's just way too little and at their pace it will be way too late,” I say, thinking about my village.

    “What is most important to me is that they unanimously disagree with the state of affairs, which gives me hope that there will be many more like-minded people outside the walls of the palace. This cannot continue any longer and action must be taken. What about the boy?”

    “He is not yet where he wants to be, your husband is a very stubborn creature. Very difficult to convince, but. Numico is confident he will succeed.”

    “I doubt it, although he has managed to keep my husband for quite some time, which is a very positive sign, I wonder if he will get him to change. He would be the first, the Sikh has never been wrong or had to admit anything since his birth. He never had to doubt the correctness of his beliefs. He is a man of rules, which he imposes himself, which he has now become entangled in and I don't think he can get out of."

    "The boy is certainly very skilled, otherwise, he would not have been able to do what he has displayed so far. Still, I fear he won't make it. That's why I'll do what I should have done a long time ago. I'll speak to my husband tonight. I will show him what is really going on behind the facade of material splendor. That this realm is a coffin, filled with empty souls, already buried before they die. Because they idly choose not to help when it is at the expense of their own interests."

    I see her eyes turn from hope into anger as she lets go of my shoulder.
    "I can't stand it anymore. This stupidity that we all call life day in and day out. The filthy murders that we eat at night. It's time for someone to open their eyes, someone who can address these issues. Unfortunately, he is the biggest blind man. I will have to hammer his head very hard to convince him what the real values in this life are. Praise be to Numico who did all my legwork. It had to be that way. Like you said he owns the message, but something inside me compels me to push this message through that pompous idiot's thick skull."

    Before I have the chance to say anything she storms out of the room before leaving me perplexed. I wonder whether I should stop her, pursue her, or persuade her.

    When I go into the hallway, neither the footman nor Krya are anywhere to be seen.


    While it has been a few seconds since she left the room. What if I have completely destroyed all of Numico's strategically planned preparations? This is going to mean the end of our stay, it just can not bring anything good.

    We have the chance, and something may change in the distant future, but for the time being, we won't notice anything. Let alone being able to exert any influence on it.

    Our opportunity has been lost, and I have made sure of that, that much is clear to me. Thoughts fly through my head like crazy, what should we do now? What will they say about me? How could I have been so stupid as to let this happen? What will happen to my village?
    Will they just let us leave?
    I am unable to create order in the chaos that this development has left behind in me.

    I think it would be wisest to go to my room and prepare for our departure there. This thought brings a little peace. In the end, nothing is lost.
    Nothing gained, but nothing lost either.

    This journey has had epic and less beautiful moments, but all moments which will influence my life forever.

    My return will be met with mixed feelings, I will take my place and serve the tribe better than ever before. I can prepare us for what may come. Although I keep thinking about what my village has to offer this kingdom.

    There is even a good chance that we are too far off the route. This offers the opportunity to join us of our own free will when the empire has expanded into our area. It may be a lame move, but it will save lives and cost us little. In addition, we still have one last option, to embark on a new journey, just like our ancestors.

    The bigger question is what the popular opinion will be regarding Numicos and my departure. Will it be accepted back, would we need to lay all our cards, even the strange ones, on the table? It will be home, but it will never be as it was before.

    Next Chapter Coming in Two Days

    Picture By Me And My Artificial Intelligence

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