Splinterlands battlemage Secret : Ferocity

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello Splinter nerds

    This week's Splinterlands battle mage secret is Ferocity

    A rule set in which all monsters have the fury ability which allows them to do double damage to monsters with the taunt ability...

    Players often avoid using taunt monsters in rulesets such as this unless they plan to use the taunt as a distraction to enable their monsters to attack and destroy the opponent monsters as fast as possible.

    I was paired in a battle with 2 other rulesets:

    • Broken Arrows: In this rule, range monsters are not allowed, so players can only use melee, magic, and nonattack monsters.

    • Holy protection: All monsters have the divine shield which can only protect them once from any kind of attack but it doesn't stop them from getting affected by negative stats like poison, affliction, and others but their health won't reduce.

    Our mode of attack was similar but the choice of summoner was different, I used Akane which gives Ambush to 2 monsters in my team while the opponent came with Lily Panda as he wanted my attack to focus on his tank, I guess he forgot we have Smith killer or he just risks it and hopes I won't use the Smith killer.


    battle link

    The opponent lineup was awesome too but I was faster, two out of my monsters attacked before round 1 started and that gave me a better opportunity.

    My formation

    Grimbardun Smith was my tank even though I wish the opponent would not come with Venka but he did and killed it earlier than expected, Moxious fume has the weapon training ability which gives 2 magic attack to Smith and the other monster adjacent to Moxian.

    Nimbledook Scout was the third monster that benefited from Moxian weapon training, it has an ability[inspire] that boosted my other melee monsters' attack by +1 which was really helpful in the battle. that 1 more melee attack was what Venka needed to eliminate the threat that could have made me lose the battle.

    I was expecting Vruz to die in the battle so Venka all stats could increase by +1 but the gods favor Vruz and it did not have to die for me to win, it also played a great part in the battle by removing the opponent's holy protection and Venka was able to get the job done easily with his massive attack and trample on the next monster on the opponent team.


    This was my last monster, Magi of Chaos with the Oppress ability, I used it to support Venka another oppressor I used in case the opponent used Smith but fortunately for him, he didn't use Grimbardun Smith but that still didn't save him from losing the battle.

    if you want to be a part of this week's Splinterlands Battle mage secrets, you can join from here

    All pictures are gotten from Splinterlands lore and game

    Just call me Burl.

    I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

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    God exists, I am a living testimony
    Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
    Don't wish for it, Make it happen

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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