Elephant Stew and Mundane Life

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Yes, I'm still alive. But it has been two months since I posted anything. I haven't been in the mood to write. I have been sick at least 4 times this winter (including my current cold) despite taking all the recommended immune system boosters and preventive supplements. It was not helpful to have my stress level increased in November-January, due to my husband's peculiar behavior/remarks. He has since had a physical exam, an MRI, and lots of blood work. So far, nothing significant has been revealed. So I will continue to assume he is in the early stages of dementia. Or else his less-desirable personality characteristics are being amplified by the aging process, which is also a possibility.


    January view

    We didn't have an unusual amount of snow this winter, yet it seemed as if winter dragged on interminably. It may not be over yet. Right now we are in the midst of a week of beautiful sunshine and highs in the 50s-60s, which is an incredible treat after weeks of clouds/fog/rain/snow/graupel/sleet.


    The garden 4 days ago. It's bare now.

    The snow has finally melted off the garden, and the rhubarb is peeking through the dirt, as you can see in the next photo.


    And the fall-blooming crocuses are up! They are such a peculiar flower: they produce beautiful green foliage in the spring. It dies back in July, and then in September or October the flowers grow up out of the dirt and bloom.


    The grandchildren have been keeping me busy and providing bright spots in the dark winter. Two year olds are so funny! I had forgotten what silly things they say and do. Example: My daughter, granddaughter and I are driving to a store. Toddler looks out the window and announces, "Airp'ane!" Daughter looks out the window and replies, "Actually, that's a helicopter. Can you say helicopter?" Toddler calmly states, "No." If that doesn't make you chuckle, then I guess that's one of those "you had to be there" situations.

    So far, this has been a fairly boring tale, so I will close with a recipe my sister gave me years ago. It may or may not improve the overall quality of the post. You decide!

    Elephant Stew

    1 medium elephant
    salt and pepper
    2 rabbits (optional)

    Cut elephant into bite size pieces; add enough gravy to cover. Cook over a kerosene fire four weeks at 465 degrees. This will serve 3,800 people. If more are expected, two rabbits may be added in an emergency, but most people do not like hare in their stew.

    You're welcome.

    Photos taken on my Android phone.

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