in voilk •  3 days ago

    Hi everyone! My name is Mmeyene Joseph, and I'm super excited to join this community! I want to say a huge thank you to hive for creating this amazing platform where great minds like you and I can showcase our God-given talents, share ideas and make the universe go round! I'm hoping to have a beautiful time here with all of you and I hope you are happy to have me too! 😊


    I'm a twenty something-year-old African female 😜 from Nigeria who bakes for a living. Yes! Cake is me, and I am cake. I love to create mind blowing, out of the box cake designs. I love things that look out of the ordinary, and believe me, baking is the one thing I can do that with, and it is also the one habit I can practice all day, all night and not remember that the outside world does exists!

    Apart from making cakes, I also love making mouth watering pastries, scotch eggs, burger and chips, chops, pizzas, shawarma, sausage buns, etc. Absolutely! My life revolves around sugar and flour!

    However, if you don't find me creating witty inventions out of sugar, you'll definitely find me in the classroom teaching, because yes, I love passing information to beautiful little minds and watching them grow into amazing geniuses too.


    Born into a family of six, being the fifth child has never been an issue. And my parents and siblings have always found my obsession with the arts “amazing and amusing”. Dad was in the paramilitary, mum was (and still is) in the paramilitary, my eldest brother joined years down the line, so of course, you can call my family, a mini paramilitary breeding ground.😅

    I've always had the best of encouragements and supports from my family. No, it hasn't been all rosy, but I'm saying that we have always been solidly behind each other's backs. And today, though my dad has passed on, six of us and our mom are still keeping each other strong.
    And I could never wish to have any other family!!


    I. love. writing. I feel I make up for all the adventures I can't have right now on the pages of my note pads. And because of this, I loooove reading too. I get to experience the world and go on several mind blowing adventures through my books, and even imagine some of my own “world” too.

    So when I'm not baking or teaching, you can find me scribbling down whatever my highly imaginative mind has whipped up, in a note pad. And oh! I shouldn't fail to inform you, when I was six I used to be the kid who wrote stories on hand sown pieces of paper to distribute every morning to other kids in my class. Although, I'm not yet published, I've written tones of poems, stories, plays and even an autobiography!

    I'm hoping to save up enough to publish and keeping my fingers crossed for the opportunities to publish my poems and short stories in magazines and journals too.

    Singing and traveling is another hobby of mine, I sing in the church choir if you must know,😊 and with all boldness, I beat my chest and confess to the world that I have a very lovely voice. (I know, I know, don't get jealous). And just so you know, I draw too. Yeah yeah.


    I am a very tenacious person, a die-hard believer in not giving up till one gets to one's goal. I have a lot of goals and dreams for the future, and I've set down plans for some of them, to accomplish them. For example, I want to own a bakery in the next two years, and I'm working on it. I want to become published as a writer too (so if you have journal and magazine openings, please let me know). In addition to that, I plan to record a single and an album before I turn thirty. And by the way, I know I'm not alone, God has got me on this.


    Before I go away temporarily for now, a very special thank you goes to @newbreed for introducing me to this fantastic platform! This is me announcing to the world, that the girl with all the gifts, dreams, hopes, love and a lot of light to shine has arrived! And hello hive! 👋I'm looking forward to a world of adventure, meeting and connecting with like-minded individuals and sharing ideas, experiences, information and lots of inspiration! Let's get started already!

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