Get Ready April 2nd D-Day

in voilk •  3 months ago

    april 2nd dday.png


    Just came back from watching the KongXGodzilla movie. By the way, the movie isn't that great in my opinion. It's not worth watching in the cinema. Anyways, today I want to talk about a super hot change that is coming to Splinterlands in two days. It is none other than the second part of the rank battle overhaul that focuses more towards the reward side. This is something that most people knew was coming but there was a lack of details. Splinterlands made a post with more details on it and I will give my thoughts on certain parts of the post.


    Glint Token

    We will be getting a new soulbound token from ranked battles called glints. This will replace the reward points system we currently have. Something big that I like is that the daily focus quest is being removed. Honestly, this wasn't the best thing to get people to use other cards as players should be playing their best lineup. They shouldn't be playing to try to earn more for meeting the requirements for the daily focus. The rulesets already help diversity the card usage.

    Something I liked is that they are giving 50% bonus glints in modern. This will maybe give more incentive for players to not bot in wild. I also like how the glints will be used to purchases things from a shop that allows us to choose what we want to buy. The rewards being a bit RNG kind of made some people go crazy and I was probably one of those people since I just want soulbound cards and not potions.

    One thing that I was a bit disappointed was that they didn't share the art for what the glint token would look like in the post. It's not a big deal but it would be nice to see what it looks like at least reward people that took their time to read the update post.


    Reward Shop

    I think a lot of people in Splinterlands are excited for the reward shop. We will be able to choose what we want to get. This is huge for those that have bad rng or complained. No more potions for us that have thousands of them already.

    I also believe there's endless potential for this reward shop. They could reward limited edition things; they have already shared about exclusive limited titles. I was thinking bigger though. They could do things like Splinterlands Merch, whitelist for minting for other projects, early access to other games and so much more. I think collaborating with other games will help people know more about Splinterlands and the hive blockchain. The reward shop could be a way to bring people if the value is there for them. They could also give raffle tickets in this reward shop to raffle out interesting prizes like an Azuki, Pudgy Penguin, etc. Wouldn't that be amaazing?

    Everything that could be found in chests normally will be in this shop except SPS. I will share about that in the next section.


    SPS Rewards

    SPS rewards will be removed from the chests and won't be put in the reward shop. So where is the SPS going then? It's going straight to battles. This is huge because currently the SPS rewards are being shared with modern and wild. My SPS rewards for this season were horrible from chests. I think this change will be great and I'm super excited to see winning more SPS per battle. If the battle rewards are really worth it, it could start bringing in a new wave of people to try to "profit". Even though these people may start off with the mentality to extract who knows they might invest because they enjoy the game. I think it will be great to have more eyes on Splinterlands. Then more players mean more SPS staked since they need that to earn from the battles. I will have to see how it goes.


    Burning Soulbound Cards

    The last topic I wanted to touch was the soulbound cards burning. They are going to give 10x glints for the collection power of the cards. This means that I will probably burn all the extra copies that aren't max to possibly fish for the cards I'm missing. I think it's an interesting idea because we can focus on the cards that we actually need.

    Another important thing to note is once this update goes live, gladius cards will not be able to be burned for DEC anymore. They will be burned for merits instead at the same amount as what the DEC would've been. Personally for me, I have already started burning all the gladius cards that I don't need. I have burned my gold ones and I think I've already got over 200k dec from that to buy more cards. I think this is an ok play because I will still be able to earn more merits in the future and get the cards back. Even if I was to sell these cards in the future, they would have to be paid to be unlocked and it's still very certain how that will all work so I feel the safe play is to burn now to get the value and put it into other Splinterland assets.


    Thank You

    Thank you for reading and supporting me. Are you also excited for this big change? Do share below how you feel in the comments!

    Referral Link
    If you are interested in trying Splinterlands please use this link here. If you did use my referral link, let me know in the comment section, I will do my best to help whether that be delegating you cards, sending you cards and teaching you how to play. Once again, thank you so much.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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