in voilk •  3 months ago

    What is up actifiters and great day to everyone reading this blog! Before starting this blog, I would like to extend my greetings and gratitude for reading my writing, and hopes that this blog makes your time worth it. I hope that whoever is reading this blog is doing great in life and facing hardships with confidence and perseverance. I hope you have bountiful days ahead! Welcome to my actifit miniblog miniblog for April 8, 2024.



    Today, April 8, 202 4 my brother and I suddenly decided to play badminton after not playing for years. A sudden crave for speed, sweat and decisive play. We already booked 2 hours of playtime in the court yesterday and payed for it directly. This is the only way to ensure that our spot will not be taken by others who payed first than us. The riverside badminton court is located five to six block away from our boarding house to getting there by fot is already counted as a warm up. I really like this place, their facilities are all well maintained and the staffs are friendly. Plus the added design of the statues outside makes the place really cool and standout.

    I think it's really cool that this added this feature in there court, it attracts more attention, especially for kids. Well of course, they look like robots. They also have other sport you could play like table tennis and pool, which really a fun place to stay in once in a while. It will surely leave a good impression for first time visitors in this badminton court.



    It has been quite a while since I have played badminton so I felt a bit rusty while playing. Errors in almost every play hahahha. My serves don't have a sense of directions, my smashes always goes out of bounce and I keep missing to hit the shuttlecock.

    We had so much fun playing badminton after quite some time, despite being rusty, we still enjoyed our time playing. We kept laughing and joking how we've gone rusted because of many of not playing badminton. Well it was a given the we'll get rusty with the game but it was still a well spent money and time.


    Stay hydrated guys!🤣. By the time we were done playing, each of us already finished around 2 liters of water. Well playing badminton really if tiring and it's really hot in our place so we really need to drink a lot of water. Of course, after we were done, we cleaned the space we occupied and threw all our trash away. And we went back at our boarding house afterwards.


    I really had so much fun today guys, and I felt so much joy writing this blog, I hope I could make more contents like this to share with you guys. So that is all for today's entry for my actifit daily miniblog for ACTIFIT MINIBLOG for April 8, 2024.

    If you ever made it this far in the blog, I hope it meant that you liked and enjoyed reading through it. If you ever find contents interesting and you want to read more of my future blog, you can show support by giving me a follow and I'll be sure to follow back, let's be friends. Lastly, if you have any thoughts in mind about my blogs or any suggestion, I would love to know about it. I hope to see you again in my next blog and thank you for the time, it's much appreciated! Stay healthy and God bless everyone! 😁💖

    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Badminton, Daily Activity, Walking
    175.62 cm
    57.2 kg
    Body Fat

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