Sleeping Bees - Those that can wake up, those to be put to bed.

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Hello to all the Busy Bees!

    It is time to do what I have been warning about for about a month. It has become apparent that there are quite a few inactive accounts on the Busy Bees weekly list.

    If you are a visitor you might ask: What are the Busy Bees?

    Answer: We are an Activity group of Hive users who are all active bloggers. We blog and support one another with votes, activity like comments and encouragement. Our support for each other is not regulated. Out of the 90 members on the Busy Bees there are around 15 of them I interact on a weekly basis and around 5 that I interact on a daily basis.

    But it is the Busy Bees and I do a shocking amount of admin to do our weekly stats posts. I need to retire some of these dormant accounts into the "Sleeping Bee" category.

    Sleeping Bees are ALWAYS welcome back, but a single post is not enough to put you back on the list. I need to see at minimum one post a week for 3-4 weeks in a row to put you back on. Otherwise there is no point of making an admin revival when it was a one-shot and bail.

    I hope that if you were prompted by this post and you ARE available, that you make a plan and make a post so you can stay on the list! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    It is Monday today, I shall need to prompt those "slow bees" that are not quite dormant to please make any post by this coming Sunday to indicate that you are a Busy Bee!

    A Busy Bee really should post every week. I am not asking for daily bloggers only in our team but it is no surprise that those Busy Bees who post daily/consistently grow the best. But sometimes life throws you a curve ball and if you can just manage one post of the month for a certain period of time, that is OK.

    It is probably also not a surprise that the higher in the Hive ranks you go, the less inactive accounts you get.

    Thus it is habit of successful Hivers to blog daily/weekly.

    The Busy Bees at current count have:
    4x Orcas
    25x Dolphins
    35x Minnows
    26x Redfish

    There are ZERO inactive Orcas!

    There are the following 4x inactive Dolphins:

    @fionasfavourites - Usually pops up once a month

    There are the following 17x inactive Minnows (48% inactive!):

    @jasperdick - Usually super active and now dormant for quite a while.
    @nikv - Usually pops up once a month
    @consciouscat - Usually pops up once a month
    @jacoalberts - Not usually dormant, only been missing for 3 weeks while others have been gone for much longer. Where are you Jaco?
    @mimismartypants - Usually pops up once a month
    @artywink - Active as a commenter but not a poster. Possibly good for the Busy Bees Supporter program I suggested at one stage?
    @putu300 - Usually active weekly but has been gone for 2 weeks now. Are you OK?

    There are the following 20x inactive Redfish (77%! inactive!):

    @urban.scout - occasional activity
    @alwaysonyi - Only recently gone inactive but newest member

    In total that makes 45.5% inactive Busy Bees! ☹️

    Please post something this week and get yourselves active once more! 🙏

    In the meantime, if you are NOT on this list and you are an active blogger on Hive and you are thinking to yourself "Hey, I could do that." Then the please consider the following factors:

    • You are blogging consistently every week, preferably multiple times a week.
    • You actively engage with the community and comment and reply to your comments.
    • You are in Hive for the long haul, not a quick in and out.

    If that sounds like you then please tell me if you are interested in joining the Busy Bees!

    I would like to have 100 Active Busy Bees!

    We have helped many Redfish become Minnows and many Minnows become Dolphins! The aim is to take in Dolphins, Minnows and Redfish in more or less equal proportions and keep them till they ALL upgrade! That would be amazing!

    Right... I am waiting for you Sleepy Bees!

    If you got pinged here and you make a post, make it even easier on me and make a comment on this post that you have done something!

    Thank you for reading this post!


    Hive South Africa

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