About four years ago, I established this (Q Inspired-by-Music) community. At first, I was quite active on all sides of things, including content creation and engagement. Later, my activities reduced themselves to (mostly) keeping the community in line with my original thoughts for this community and curating content.
Bad Me
I never asked any of you what your thoughts are about this community. Bad me! Bad bad bad me! Don't you agree?
One says: It is not about when to see 'the light', but about the actions one takes when 'the light' is spotted.
Uhm, now I am wondering if I made up my version of what 'one says'? Perhaps I did. Something I tend to do in life: Not following the herd but making up my own 'rules' and 'guidelines' 😆
The Action
a 'Challenge-not-Challenge' perhaps?
Give your thoughts and your opinions about the Q Inspired-by-Music community. Present this in any way you like, in any format you wish. Am open for anything.
Just the 'one rule': using words is a must (I believe HIVE is about blogging, and blogging is foremost textual).
... and the other 'one rule': the words, the sentences, these are yours.
... and and and ... music in whatever shape or form is an integral part of your creation (this does not have to be a music recording at all; it can simply be the use of the word 'music' or anything that relates to such).
You see, I make up my own rules along the way, the 'one rule' became 'three rules' but still classified as the 'one rule' ... I am complicated 😆
Be Honest
Those who know me, those who know my culture, know that I like brutal honesty. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. Don't hold back. Spit it out. I won't bite. That said, nice words I won't dodge.
Tips (as in 'advise')
If, for some reason, you feel uninspired, don't feel obliged to write a whole post. You may also articulate your thoughts and opinions in the comment section 👇 below.
Did You Know?
No time pressure for this one, though I do like to read a bunch of contributions first before I come back to you with my reactions. ps Sneaky me, right? Telling you 'no time pressure' but now I press you to act in time (whatever I meant by that) ... I am complicated 😆 oopsy, I said that already
all images by edje unless stated otherwise