Nature sustains itself.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    We hope that everyone will have a good Friday, and I want to show you how nature feeds her wild residents.

    Make sure to see the end of the post in order to understand it.

    I have stated down below somewhere that nothing goes to waste in nature, and here I will give you an idea in the photo story. And ordinary sunbaked granadilla has many uses. Apart from the human aspect of using granadillas for baking cakes and making cordials, the animals also have a great use for granadillas. You will see that squirrels love to eat the granadillas, and after this little lady, in the post, was finished with the granadilla, somebody else found a use for it.
    Come and see.

    It started like this, as she could not get through the gap in the lattices with the big granadilla in her mouth.

    So, she decided to have her lunch on the low front wall of our garden.

    Another squirrel appeared at the front gate behind her, and she turned around to watch him, and eat at the same time.
    Thankfully the other squirrel did not enter through the gap at the bottom of the gate that I opened for the squirrels, as there would have been a big fight again.


    Finally, she was done and she simply dropped the granadilla shell off the wall, where it landed on an old wooden beam.

    Now have a look at this.

    The next morning a little Gecko sat patiently next to the granadilla shell, waiting for some fruit flies to eat.

    This is the way that nature sustains itself, as nothing goes to waste.

    After everyone has eaten, we drop the shell into our compost that is spread amongst the plants in the garden. I bet that the granadilla had no idea that someday it will not only feed a multitude, but that it will also help to grow other plants:))
    It is the same with most everything in nature. For instance, we are in the early stages of the Autumn season now, and the trees are ever so slowly starting to shed their leaves. The leaves have a purpose, as while they rot on the ground they enrich the soil.
    The ocean operates on a similar system. And it is always so sad to see the non-destructible litter that we, as humans, leave behind us.
    We still have a lot to learn from nature.

    I hope you have enjoyed the pictures and the story.

    Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

    Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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