❗Is the Role of Boosters in the Hive Ecosystem Valuable Enough to Tolerate Such Rudeness and Neglect❓ The Second Episode 🏁

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hi there!
    Let's get party started 💃🕺

    It's been more than 24 hours since my appeal to the Helios team to explain the conflict.
    Since I was left with no other way out, I'm going to take this situation to the public plane to ask for help from the community and the whales of Hive in the restoration of justice. I urge you to speak out on this issue and put an assessment of what is happening in the comments.


    My blog has been start to visited by a hater leaving his weak flags under my content. (and not only my) He didn't answer questions about what he didn't like, so I decided to use the HELIOS downvoting service. I tried to have a civilized conversation with him for a long time before I made this decision!
    Especially since his content is blatant copypaste and plagiarism.

    Here's this character @oleksii.tkachuk
    and this is what he brings to the hive.


    While using the helios downvoting service, I had some questions. I didn't see last of a paid downvote. And since I had the impression earlier that @guruasia is related to this service I called him to clarify the situation and explain what is going on. In the same message I called hivewatchers because I did not see the results of their work on this abuse account.

    The first to respond were hivewatchers who gave exhaustive explanations about their work with this user. Thanks to them for this!

    A little later, the @coininstant will comment the art of this user too:

    But guruasia found nothing better than to mark my bug-report with their personal downvote. (I can explain it only as his personal negative attitude towards me based on the content in my feed. This is already noticeable in his boorish, dismissive manner of communicating with people who do not share his point of view.)

    Of course, I was outraged by such a boorish attitude from a user towards me, especially representing a commercial project on the Hive to provide services for me, so I entered into a dialogue with clarifying questions, trying to make it clear to the aggressor that I not tolerate such an attitude towards myself, and demanding to explain his position.

    In response, Guruasia started making up unfounded accusations against me, as I think, in order to provoke me to aggression to justify the already planned meanness against me, wrote a text whose relationship to what is happening is questionable.

    In response to my arguments about the groundlessness of his accusations, he used his own service to cause financial and reputational damage to my account instead of clarifying the circumstances of the situation and took the side of a plagiarist, spammer and banderites with the argument that he doesn't receive rewards for his spam on the platform... although this is not true 🤔


    These are his orders for negative voting by his own service for his own tokens of my content that he simply does not like! Without details. The topic didn't suit him 🤯

    This is the result of his disagreement, someone will not receive their curatorial rewards. And someone will not be able to find interesting information in the Hive for themselves...

    Realizing that the ambitions of my opponent overshadowed his mind I decided to ask for help to the person who poses as the owner of the HELIOS project to try to settle the conflict peacefully.

    Considering that he resolved the issue of guruasiа "fraud" in a previous conflict situation, this time I decided to appeal to his attention directly


    I asked to add myself to the white-list of exclusion of negative voting service Helios in order to minimize the financial risks of communication with guruasia, because I think it is not fair to ban negative voting for boorish content of guruasia.
    I also pointed out that I prefer to solve the issue without attracting a wide audience to this topic and asked to inform me about it`s decision.


    After more than a day of ignoring, I realized that my proposal for a constructive solution to the issue was treated this time with spitlessness, than I was forced to go on principle and do what I promised - to play a drama that nobody needs, despite the presence of more interesting topics for publications, more in line with the content line of my blog.

    I urge all those who read it to leave their opinion about the conflict described by me and express their attitude to what is happening.

    I urge whales and witnesses to evaluate the usefulness of this service and the behavior of its administration, which, as it seems to me, has a chance to turn our cozy Hive into a nobody needs St..m.

    For example:

    If every user will follow their example, and if not create their own booster, then at least simply delegate their power to Helios-like service, what will this trend lead to in the long run???

    I have witnessed the demise of popularity and trust in the GOLOS and ST..MIT blockchains, and in both cases the predecessor to this was vote selling services that positioned themselves in the same way as helios - as decent and honest curators, giving their investors and undervalued authors a chance to make coins.
    Old timers should remember such a businessman as Fürstikken (I apologize if I misspelled the northern name) and will not let me lie.
    Crazy profits were immediately withdrawn and sold in the glass, flooding all possible demand with excess 📉

    Maybe we should legalize hivelotto then too, allow frauds or integrate more darknet advertising in UI? It's just business, right??? lol

    Since my request to settle the conflict quietly was ignored, the next logical step I see the personal appeals to the investors of helios, with a request not to be part of the tool of repression of ordinary users for their point of view.
    point which they are ready to defend! With the provision of detailed information on how to can earn on the delegation of power to projects that curate worthy authors for the idea, and not for the purchase of their own tokens!
    Which curators can you advise me to include in such a commercial proposal, whose reputation and objectivity are beyond doubt, who pay remuneration for delegated voting power? I think it could at least be @curie, @curangel or @qurator, please tell me other similar nice curation projects in the comments below.

    For this example of boorish correspondence, special thanks to the user who wished to remain anonymous.
    This is one of the reasons why I prefer to sort things out publicly on the blockchain rather than in their personal discord room!

    Thanks for the invitation!

    Episode one, When I only with difficulty and “Drama” managed to return my tokens from an honest and unbiased curator Helios



    Any help and recommendations are welcome.

    I will be immensely grateful for your reposts!

    I also ask all those affected by the actions of these persons to respond and describe your problem in the comments

    I can if I want, but sometimes I'm lazy)

    Subscribe! See you soon😉

    Goodness be done!

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