Making Friends

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Greetings everyone.

    In this contest, friendship here means people that I love getting along with and not the deep private type of friendship

    Image is mine | Designed on canva

    Talking about making friends, I have two sides to it. In the offline world, I'm very poor at making friends, and that's because I'm a core introvert (many people online think of me otherwise).
    In the online world, I find it very easy to get along with people, hence giving me a squad of friends.

    I like my life this way, and I'm not intending to change in the future. I love it when I mingle with friends online that are firing me to step up in my goals rather than those offline that will visit and chop off my time discussing maybe 'necessary' things. Oh yes, I know it's good to have people in real life; I know that, and I have a few of them, but when it comes to online, I have a series of them.

    How I go about making friends offline:

    Like I said earlier, I'm a very reserved person; I don't get talking a lot, especially when I'm in the midst of people I'm not comfortable with. And coupled with the fact that I seldom go out, this has made me not get in contact with a lot of people. The only crowded place I often see myself is the church, and that's the only place I have the friends I have today.
    The friends I have started with a little togetherness and a little chitchat, especially when I know that we are like-minded.
    How do I mean by like-minded? The thing is that I don't find it comfortable getting along with people who hate what I like. E.g. My friends are churchgoers, but none of them query me about playing secular songs...Nigerians reading this will better understand how serious we are about religion.
    So, I'm very selective. Even if we are trying to bond well and I notice any uncomfortable characters, I drift away.

    How I go about making friends online:

    I can't count how many times one of my troublesome friends, Cheeamaka, asked me how I have a lot of friends from the Hive on my contact list. She even accused me of going around asking for friendship.
    One day, I sat down and thought of it to see if it's actually the way she said it. I found out that it's a lie. The friends I have online especially from Hive Blockchain just happened naturally. It's only a few I moved the motion of "let's be friends," and that's to show you how talky I am.

    All the friends I have online, especially from this blockchain, happened on a mutual basis, but I would like to admit that I initiated the conversation that led us to where we are today, and this friendship also happened because these people were interested in this 'connectivity' thing.

    So, do I prefer many friends or fewer ones?

    The answer is clear already. I love to have a very few friends offline so that I don't get people disturbing my private life, especially visiting when I am not ready to attend to visitors, and, you know, attending to unexpected visitors chops a lot of time.

    While in my online world, I love to have a lot of them, and that's because I have a bigger world online and offline.
    Thank God for the era we are in now where connections, help, and anything humans have to offer can happen online... there's no distance barrier.

    Thank you for reading.

    This is my entry to the Week 101, Edition 01 of the Weekly Featured contest in Hive Learners Community

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