Recognition Day-An Achiever 🏅🥰

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Hello greetings hivers!! it's been a week. Have you missed me? yeah? what do you think would be my blog?? hmm 🤔,,, Okay so let me ask you, What do you feel when you archive something in life? Isn't it so beautiful?? Yes, indeed it is.

    I'm here again to share my small achievements for the struggles and stress I've been through at school. Every quarter we have this kind of thing, a reward of Honor students. Ever since I was in elementary I've always been an achiever, it's an honor for me that I have this kind of knowledge. February 16, 2024, is our Recognition Day and I am very excited and also nervous because our teacher told us that some of our grades are decrease. I feel so hopeless because I know that I'm not doing my best during the second quarter time but then she added that all of us are honor students. I feel so relieved. Thank God I said to myself.

    So, around 8:00 before the homeroom meeting and recognition started, all grade 10 parents had a general meeting to tackle our Moving Up graduation, and some concerns of the school about the "emotion" or need to pay for our upcoming School Year-end. After some time the meeting was done and all parents then went to their children's classroom. I told my father that he could directly go to our classroom to finally start the homeroom meeting.


    Photo taken during the meeting in the classroom.

    During the meeting, our teacher discussed a lot of things, she talked about the plans for the moving up, about our classroom and also the behaviors of the students and many more, I didn't listen though because I was out for a walk with my friends. After that my teacher gave the parents our report cards, I then went to my father and asked if my grades were doing great thankfully it was fine for me though but some of my grades decreased. Shawn then gave the certificates after the release of the cards.


    This is us holding our certificates with our parents

    The recognition was over and my father decided that he would go first to our house. I told him that I would stay there because I wanted to spend some time at school and myself for my achievement. Around noon yumi @elaiza09, I asked them if they would go to the sea to relax and they agreed but before we go there we have our lunch together and after we heed then to the sea. While walking we agreed that we first buy "Don macchiato" so we could enjoy it while we were eating at the beach relaxing.

    Photo of what we bought
    Us heeding to the sea


    Us sitting at the sea and taking photos

    We just talked a lot there and rested for a while and we switched places near to manger so we could rest and sleep in the swing.
    Around 2:40 we decided that we would go back to school because we were bored and wanted to go back there luckily the room was open and classmates of Yumi's were there playing "Monopoly" so we joined in and had a great day.

    Us while playing the game

    We ended up playing the game until 4:30 since many people were at home so we decided that should go home too so we could rest.

    All in all, this experience was memorable and I enjoyed it. That's all for today hivers see you next time!!💖🎀

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