in voilk •  4 months ago

    Business and love are two distinctive things that must be properly differentiated if not when mixed I bet you there won't be quality results based on my life experiences that I would later share. Business supposed to be a separate entity and all the principles should be adhere strictly. Business shouldn't be taken for granted neither should it be looked upon with leisure or family inclination. Most businesses collapse today when it's not properly taken seriously and more so when traded on the path of pleasure. There should be clear definition or boundaries set between business and pleasure

    Kudos to every participant and the management who deemed it fit to bring this kind of topic at this material time where most businesses are at the verge of collapsing. In business, when one failed to keep to the guiding principles or the methodology of such businesses certainly it will create a loophole. In business one must identify what to set out as a guideline and also outlined the boundaries or sphere of influence to avoid any setback. In a short while, I will be sharing some experiences I passed through as a result of my inability to differentiate business and love hence the repercussion.

    I had the privilege to manage my uncle's business for almost more than a year as I await admission to higher institution to advance my learning process. It took me just few months to start mastering the business more than the person that mentored me. My uncle allowed my cousin to managing the business before I later came into the house. One of the adaptive edge I had was simply because I did science and I Desired to study microbiology. Therefore staying in a patent chemist shop was an added advantage for me. In that shop, we integrate both provision at one side and drugs because of the nature of the place. We were making good sales and my learning was rapid such that my cousin became unstable in the shop. Hmmmm I was like the alpha and Omega then...

    After sometime, the business started dwindling because I couldn't give a clear dichotomy between business and other things. A time came that I had more friends around and relation as well. Whenever my relation or close friend pay visit, I drop a bottle of mineral and biscuits for the person to eat. Hmmm who replaces it???? Question. A time came when aged people come around to buy something and probably is less than fifty naira or they own me change of such category, I will quickly tell them don't worry. Just forget about it. Hmmm is it business I am running or charity organisation? This continues even with the drugs I give out. The summary of it was that the shop started shrinking hmmmm such that the goods I gave outside outweighs what is left inside the shop Kai. I noticed that I could not keep a clear difference between business and relationship. I lack the right business framework. Finally the shop was locked.

    I did another another business with someone. I was with him from the starting of the business till when it got a quantum leap. When the business started gaining good momentum, I was relegated. I thought our relationship will produce good results in business sphere but when I noticed self-centred. I noticed leveraging on relationship to make to like achieve his target at my detriment.

    I suffered such and couldn't make any business progress till I disconnected from all that and started facing the reality by myself. In my opinion, business shouldn't be mixed with pleasure or family affairs because it will affect it. Two businesses I managed were affected by those factors. Try and segment business and love. Please incase you are about starting up or facing such challenges you can avoid it through my little experience.

    Thanks for reading my entry for week103 edition 1 of hive learners prompt.

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