Ties That Bind ~ Clementine's Past Catches Up With The New Frontier | On the Road, Again, With New People | The Walking Dead ~ Season 3 Episode 2

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello, gamers of Hive. I hope you all are doing well today.



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    Today, I shall share the second episode of The Walking Dead where we get to see Javi's choices.

    Without further ado, let's begin.

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    Last time

    We saw Javi buy enough time for his family to escape to Prescott as he and Clem decided to finish off or at least hold off the attackers that had killed Mariana while they escape the Junkyard.

    This TIme

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    It starts with Javi's flashback> It was a time before he had to deal with his father's demise.

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    His time spent with his brother's wife and knowing her little whims as she complained about her husband's(David) little problems after returning from the army service. She mistakenly broke up David's favorite mug and cut her hand. Javi put a cloth over it and held it tightly to stop the bleeding.

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    David showed up and asked what was up. Katie said that they needed a new dishwasher. David got upset about his mug, it was given to him by his now-dead army commander. I tried not to get involved but accidentally pressed the button for the dialogue and Javi spoke. David got even more pissed and pointed out that he didn't show up for a year and is now living in his brother's apartment.

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    I had the choice of either letting it go or telling him off. I chose the latter and the whole thing went up in flames. Javi told him about his wife's desire to explore and leave David soon. Katie denied all that and so Daid in his fury asked Javi to leave his house in 3 days.

    Present Time

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    That was the end of his flashback as he woke up from the sleep. His head spun as a zombie approached him. He jerked away and Clem put an end to it. She points out that the attackers ran away.

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    Javi chose to bury his niece, I had the choice of whether to leave her Cassette player or keep it with me. I chose to keep it with me since I wanted to keep a memory of her.

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    After burying her, they heard a faint noise. Javi and Clem circle a car and found a trapped zombie. There Javi discovers an insignia in the guy's neck area. Clem recognises it and told that she used to live in their camp once until she had to leave the area.

    After that, they left the area with a car after refueling it. Clem drove it.

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    Back at Prescott. Katie's gun wound was sealed and she could talk again. Eleanor says that Gabe insisted that he wanted to help but ran away as soon as Katie started to bleed again. On his way to Gabe, Javi talked with the town's folk and roamed the beautiful area as peace thrived.

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    Gabe was pretty upset that he ran away from helping Katie with her surgery. He also wanted to bury Mariana. Javi informed Gabe of her burial, it was peaceful as he described it. He gave him her Cassette player.

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    The peace did not last long. Cars with humans with guns and trucks full of zombies pulled up. Zombies were the best way to delete a human establishment and these guys knew of it. Javi, Tripp, and Conrad were the first ones to reach the gates, ready to defend.

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    The guy on the left was named Max. He seemed to be the one in charge. He said that his subordinate informed him that they were attacked first, and then looted from. Javi shouted back that it was them that shot first and killed his niece. Max could not make out what happened since there was compelling evidence for both sides. But, he pointed out that Javi did kill his men, so he must answer for his actions to his people.
    Laws were really what kept them from being animals after all.

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    Badger brought out the hostage he had since the men at the gates were not budging. The hostage was Francine, the lady whom Javi had "helped" at the card game. Max was perplexed and asked him his intentions. Without wasting a moment, Badger instructed his guy to cut off one of her fingers. And down went the index.

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    Conrad was deeply concerned about Francine. He was worried that they might kill her. Tripp said they would do it regardless so they must take the shot. I made Javi take the first shot. Javi shot the guy who cut Francine's finger first. And so, a swarm of bullets flew in all directions.


    badger asked another of his men to bust through the gates. The guy ran his truck full of zombies and broke through, the result: the truth fell on its side and the zombies were loose. They ate all the civilians and to make matters worse, the assailants also threw smoke. That way, it was even more difficult to navigate through the zombies.

    They somehow made it onto the road and out of Prescott as the civilians inside died and turned.

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    Conrad was mad at Javi. He accused him of starting the fight and costing him Francine and Prescott. Javi said that he lost his niece. Gabe asked Conrad to get away from his uncle as he held a gun to his face. Javi asks Gabe to put his gun down and he does after threatening Conrad not to put his hands off Javi.

    Travelling Again

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    Kate's condition was worsening since she had no real care with medication on the road. She was preparing herself for the worst and accepted her fate, that's what she tells Javi on the road.

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    Tripp was at the scene first and said a few cars clogged up the way to the other side. All they needed to do was get it out of the way.

    Clem and Conrad cleared the area of nearby zombies and were on the lookout for more while Javi and Tripp were speculating on a way to move the cars.

    Video Gameplay


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