What Is Love? 💔

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    I’ve always wondered about love and everything it entails. Why do humans love? Why do parents love their children? Why do siblings love each other? Why do two strangers get romantically involved? Is this just a natural way of life? Is this just something that’s inbuilt in every one of us and we just can’t resist it? Why is love so powerful that it makes people willing to do outstanding things for its sake?

    Personally, I believe that humans are the only creatures that love like this. Love in the animal kingdom is very selective, that’s if love even exists there. Maybe we shouldn’t go around confusing a sense of duty with love. That won’t bode well, would it?


    A mother hen can only love her chicks for as long as they’re chicks, however, the minute they grow, they have to find their way or they would most likely be seen as a competition. The same goes for dogs, they’re only cared for when they’re young, and this caring is mainly by the mother. The father never really cares about anything. Or at the very least, he can choose to care about the mother as well. And like the chicks, once the puppies are old enough, they’d have to learn to fend for themselves because they’re on their own.

    This is a bit similar to the template that humans subscribe to. As a child you’re cared for by your parents, however, growing up doesn’t change any of that. You’re loved just as much even as you grow older. When you leave home to fend for yourself, you still have their love and you still know that you’ll always have a safe space with them. You cannot outgrow human love. And that’s what’s so fascinating about it.


    It then makes me wonder, is love simply a defense mechanism placed in us by Mother Nature? That love we feel for our children is what makes us take care of them, we cherish them and teach them the ways to live and survive in this terrible world. In a way, love is the reason we’ve come this far as a species.

    The reason I’m pointing this out is because many of us have seen instances of people not loving each other. We’ve seen mothers who don’t love their kids and how they treat them. Siblings fight and kill each other over simple things that shouldn’t even be an issue to begin with. Couples will vow to love and be with each other until the end of time, but only months later, everything is turned upside down.


    I have an idea about how a world without love can be, and you all can figure it out as well. Just think back to your childhood and all the love and care you enjoyed. It might not be from your parents, it could be from grandparents or extended family members… now, imagine how your life would have been without all that love. How would your life be today? If from when you were a child no one at all loved you, would your life be what it is today?

    I guess that’s why they say love is what makes the world go around. Love is really important, more than money, I must say. And I’m not talking about romantic love. It’s a father’s love for his children that would make him work 16 hours a day, barely seeing them as he struggles to make sure they’re well provided for. It’s love that makes a mother carry her sick baby on her back and run barefoot in the cold chilly night to the hospital just because the ambulance can’t come.


    Love will always make us do things that normally we wouldn’t want to do. People always say that their lives changed when they had their first child. When you think about it, it’s the sense of responsibility that comes with it. Having a human being dependent on you for everything, and knowing that the decisions you make can have huge impacts on their lives, you have to start rethinking everything.

    So yeah, love is a natural thing and it really does make the world go around. Many people will be satisfied with earning a stipend and getting through the day, but with family, you have to work extra so everyone can be comfortable. No matter what people say, love will always be valid, and it’ll always be a motivating factor.

    I hope every one of us finds that kind of love that will motivate us to do and be better.


    Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

    N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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