Friendship Under Pressure: Coping with Demands and Maintaining Self-Care

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Problems and challenges are one of the most common things we'll certainly come across as humans throughout the days of our lives. There's even a particular saying that it's only a dead man that has no problem, and that's to show you how problems have been so woven into us to the point where it's seen as normal. I wish I'd got none, but like I said, it's not something we can run away from, and lately I'm going through a particular one that's affecting my mental health, so today I'll love to tell you all about it.


    As an introvert, I love to keep to myself and don't really fancy having many friends, so I've got just a handful of friends, but lately something happened between myself and about six friends of mine, and even though each doesn't know the same issues we're having are connected to my other friends, it's quite disheartening that I had to go through such a level of insult, ridicule, and more from the set of people who ought to be my friends.

    Fine I understand that as friends, we should be on the lookout for one another and be able to help one another during our tough times. I, for one, have tried to at least at one point or another be there for my friends so they can overcome their own challenges, and just about a week ago, six of my friends came to me separately requesting that I give them a particular item of mine, and with the fact that they are requesting the same thing from me, I kind of ran short of decisions on what to do or who to give.

    I mean, I would have loved to help each one of them if I'd had the capacity, but all I've got is just one piece of that item, and now six of them are requesting the same thing in the space of 30 minutes. Some requested via phone call, others texted, and all I can say is, "Give me time to think about it, and ok, I'll get back to you because I'm in the middle of something important."


    I've never been in such a situation before. I mean, if it weren't that not all of them knew one another, I would have said they'd all had a meeting to just ask for the same thing, but the fact that not all knew one another, I can't help but just understand that it's the situation of the country and how things have been difficult lately.

    I don't know what to do, so rather than give either of them, because I know there's no way those who know each other won't see the item they were requesting from me on the person I gave and be like, so he's more important to you than I'm or so she's more important to you than I'm. With all of those thoughts running through my mind, the only conclusion that came to my mind was to just host a giveaway on my social media status, and whoever gets it among those who asked or my other friends who saw my status would be the person that gets the item.

    And so I hosted the giveaway, and before you know it, all six of my friends who requested those items at the same time started sending me annoying and insultive messages, telling me that if I knew I couldn't give them what they asked for, I should have told them directly. I was dumbfounded and at a crossroads about what to say. In the end, I had to explain to each one that I'm sorry, but it happened that some of my other friends also asked for the same thing from me, and in my bid not to annoy anyone, that's why I did the giveaway to give the item to the lucky person.


    Despite all my apologies and explanations, five of these friends weren't having it, and it kept sending annoying messages. It's painful that only one of them understands my plight and lets it slide, while the others keep telling me how wicked and selfish I was all because I gave someone else what belongs to me. With all of those insults flooding into my DM from different people, I lose my cool and have to react angrily.

    I mean, I've apologized and also explained my situation to you, and now you're trying to put me on the edge, making me understand that no matter who's asking me for something, in as much as they also asked, I should be giving them first. That's just ridiculous and a sense of entitlement, especially when I already explained my situation, and given the fact that I've been sick and diagnosed with high blood pressure, I began to have some fast-pounding sensations in my heart.

    So I just switch off my phone and end the conversation there. This happened last week, and since then most of these guys have refused to talk to me or relate to me the way we used to, but then I care less. I mean, I won't hurt myself because I want to please someone, and neither would I allow anyone to make me start ranking my friends so I'll know who to help and who not to help.


    As of that moment, when all of those insults were pouring in, believe me, I wish I'd had no friends, because some of these same people know about my health challenges, yet they're the ones doing everything within their power to make them worse.

    Well, that's about it. I probably should have just held on to that item they all requested rather than giving it out via giveaway, but the deed is already done. What do you think I should have done in that situation, and what do you think is the way forward presently? Because although I'm fine with them not talking to me, if that would stabilize my mental health, let me hear your opinion and what you would have done in such a situation.

    That's about it for now. Thanks for your time, and do have a wonderful day ahead.

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