I adore women who- weekend prompt

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.
    -Mother Teresa

    Hi everyone. I hope you all are fine. I am doing well. I would like to take part in completing the former statement of the #weekend-engagement.

    I adore women who are empowered and strong in the face of patriarchy. This might night seem something relevant for every one of you, but it does to me because I live in a patriarchal society where women have limited mobility and freedom. This something cultural and political. It has been instilled into our culture and eventually into our thought process that women are better off in their houses working as house wives.

    The literacy rate of women in Pakistan is changing and so is the tide of their empowerment. Still, a lot more has to be done. Women have been made submissive to their male counterparts and I personally hate that. I adore women who have broken the shackles of patriarchal norms. These women are an example for our society and beyond.

    I would have talked about physical aspects and what I adore about women, but I would love to shed some light upon what I see in my country and what I really like about women who decide to stand up against all odds.

    I would like to name a few of the women whom I have adored. Among the top is Benazir Bhutto, first lady prime minister that too in a patriarchal country. She was an iron lady. She stood against the military dictatorship ruling in the country and left an everlasting mark on the pages of democratic history of Pakistan. I adore every bit of her personality. She has inspired many around the globe to stand up for themselves.

    She is my old Aunt from our neighborhood, she is very poor. I told her that I have taken a random picture of her and she smiled. Women are very compassionate and simple around the world and in Pakistan as well. I adore this quality as well about women.
    Another personality is Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy. She is another lady that I adore for her dedication and courage. In 2012, she won an Oscar for her documentary Saving Face. She helped the government in formulating the legislation against Sexual harassment and Acid throwing. That is something I find really powerful and inspiring.

    Malala Yousafzai is also another lady that I adore. She is the one I adore because of her firm determination and courage to stand up against extremism for the right of female education. She is the youngest girl to win a Nobel Peace Prize. She was very young and poor when extremists told her to stay at her home and do not attend school. She still chose education over her life.

    I am the sort of a person who has advocated for women empowerment in my social circle. If I cannot see injustice done to my mother, sister and fiance then I should advocate for the rights of all women around myself. I have encouraged my sister and fiance to be financially independent. This is something that we all should advocate for.

    These are my opinions, you can differ from my opinions.

    Thank you for your time and support. It means a lot to me. Do share your thoughts and feelings in the comments section below so that we can learn and grow together. I hope you liked the blog. Do follow for more such content. Take care and have a great day ahead.

    PS: The pictures are mine taken with my Google Pixel.

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