Double Reflection Shield, Block The Blast

in voilk •  4 months ago

    celeng blast.jpg

    Ok, finally I managed to get some time to play Splinterlands again and here it is... Welcome to my Splinterlands Battle Mage Secret challenges, a weekly Splinterlands contest on sharing out our battles.

    In this post I am sharing how I plan out my battle which has that Blast Ruleset... or what we name it the "EXPLOSIVE WEAPONRY". This ruleset gives everyone a blast ability, which cause damage occurs everywhere and units tend to die fast.

    There are many ways we can exploits this ruleset, my favorit is to deploy units who have Reflection Shield. My favorite is those two units on the thumb pic above. Here they are:


    The first one is Tide Biter. This is a good card, low mana with high speed and good melee damage. On his 3rd level, he gets the reflection shield and this changes his function from ordinary reach melee card into a wall to hold blast effect.


    The second one is Venator Kinjo. This card is very unique, we can't say he is strong, the fact is that in general he is kind of useless because he is melee support card that easily killed with one hit. However in certain condition, he can be the game changer. Because he has that reflection shield ability.

    There are two similarities on those two cards:

    1. Low mana cards.
    2. Cheap, easily affordable

    In general, they are far from look flashy and astonishing. However when certain conditions are met, they become a force to reckon. What certain condition? well, lets see the battle then.


    These rulesets represented the condition I am talking about. First It had that Explosive Weaponry ruleset, else it would not fit into this post. Second and this was the most important thing, it limited up to 30 mana. So your selection would not be vast, and employing small mana units was a must.


    The last was super sneak. This made the battle became fun, because people could attack from forward and backward without having to pick certain cards. On the other hand, this super sneak completed my reasons to employ those two units.

    So here was what happened next


    ~Click The Image Above To See the Full Battle~

    This was a ranked modern Silver League battle. Both of us using max gold league level deck. So whats the different between us here?

    1. My opponent emphasize more speed and armor penetration, thats why he brought that Conqueror Jacek Summoner.
    2. I used Water because I needed that backline taunting thank, Wavebrood. I was making a turtle formation, with Deep Lurker as my only core attacker.

    So this turned out to be defensive (me) vs offensive (them). But of us using Venator Kinjo, so it could be said that Kinjo was a great pick for this battle.

    let see how this would go...


    • The battle started with both of us buffing up our team and debuffing our opponents. Overall Jacek made their team faster and this became the main threat for my team.
    • My opponent came with 9 melee damage, 5 range damage and 2 magic damage. It's a combined 16 damage per round. It was a dangerous fire power and could easily wipe out any opponent with the extra blast effect.
    • My team had 11 melee damage and 4 range damage, making them a combined 15 per round. Not a small one too, this could be said equal.
    • The battle would be massively decided by RNG from that scattershot from Jacek.


    • To be honest, their scattershot worked like shit LoL. None aimed to kill my Kinjo
    • On the other hand, their Scavo Firebolt got killed.
    • round two started with 5 vs 6 conditions, things would start getting bad from this point.


    • It's all over here... Like I said it's getting bad because most of their units had small health point, they were death from blast effect of my 5 Melee Damage Deep Lurker
    • Good Game


    What's going on here, this looked very well equal on the starting point, then only on two rounds, everything crumbled. For sure I can say these points:

    1. My strategy works, if you counted from begining, combined from my Kinjo and Tide Biter, both of them manage to hold up more than 10 blast damage. Literally those ammount could kill two of my units, but its not.
    2. On the other hand, their Kinjo managed to hold some blast damage, however not all or not majority. After their Scavo Firebolt died, everything crumbled because Kinjo had Camouflage ability. This made his Reflection Shield not protecting anyone else except himself.
    3. It is not a smart move to have many small health points card during Explosive Weaponry. Those cards would die first from blast damage.
    4. Scattershot is a good ability, however sometime can make fool of yourself. In this battle, if the scattered shots hit Kinjo or Tide Biter and killed them, it would be a great move... however it didn't and they ended up useless.

    Ok that's for my Splinterlands Battle Mage Secret post. Thank you for coming and reading this one. Wishing you massive fun in playing Splinterlands

    Thank you for visiting my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

    • @splinterlands : for holding BATTLE MAGE SECRETS challenge events
    • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
    • thepeakstudio : for wonderful divider art

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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