[Esp/Eng sub] Hive Open Mic #202| Cover: Mercedes

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    Primero que nada la educación por delante: Buenos días, buenas tardes o buenas noches.

    Esta semana me tocó a mi elegir la temática y la verdad me dieron ganas de cantar muchas canciones con buenas historias, y entre tanto pensar elegí una de un cantautor que aunque ya falleció dejo un legado enorme musicalmente hablando, el gran maestro Simón Díaz, a quienes muchos venezolanos de cariño le llamábamos Tío Simón.

    Su canción más famosa y traducida en más de 100 idiomas es Caballo viejo, pero la canción que les cantaré se llama Mercedes, trata la historia de un hombre que a escondidas miraba a la mujer de un amigo que se estaba bañando en un río, pero había un peligroso animal que tenía hambre y bueno, escuchen la canción para que sepan lo que pasó.

    Espero sea de su agrado.

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    First of all, politeness first: Good morning, good afternoon or good evening.

    This week it was my turn to choose the theme and the truth is that I felt like singing many songs with good stories, and in the meantime I chose one of a singer-songwriter who, although he passed away, left a huge legacy musically speaking, the great master Simón Díaz, whom many Venezuelans affectionately called Tío Simón.

    His most famous song and translated into more than 100 languages is Caballo viejo, but the song I will sing is called Mercedes, it is the story of a man who secretly looked at the wife of a friend who was bathing in a river, but there was a dangerous animal that was hungry and well, listen to the song so you know what happened.

    I hope like you.


    Pared de ladrillos/Brick walls

    Música de fondo/Background music

    Vídeo de fondo /Background video

    Río /River


    Hombre corriendo/Running man

    Caimán 2

    Vídeo grabado desde mi teléfono Honor X6s/Video recorded from my phone Honor X6s

    Vídeo editado con Kinemaster/Video edited with Kinemaster

    Banners y separadores/Banners and dividers

    Miniatura hecha en Kinemaster/Front cover made in KineMaster


    Canción original/Original song


    Mercedes is bathing on the banks of a river.
    My eyes are looking at her, but she belongs to a friend of mine.
    I wouldn't want to look at her but it's not my fault
    She looks like an emerald with chupa chupa flowers to me
    It's very difficult for me to tell my friend about it
    I don't want to look at it but it's not my fault
    I look like an emerald with lollipop flowers
    It's very difficult for me to tell my friend, it's very difficult for me

    There's a fat alligator over there that's more than a block long
    With more cheeks than a deer and more teeth than 20 babas
    She, innocent of everything, bathes without noticing
    That when she gets to the bend the caiman may come closer
    And me alone in the ravine, and Mercedes without noticing

    She, innocent of everything, bathes without noticing
    That when she gets to the bend the alligator may come closer
    And I'm alone in the ravine, and Mercedes without noticing

    I'm running to her house so my friend will know
    I'll tell her what's going on and I'll tell her what's going on
    That there's an immense danger that his wife is running there
    That a friend tells him that we've got to do something about it
    That he should go quickly to save her, and as a bonus I'll go with him.
    That there's an immense danger that his wife runs there
    That a friend of mine tells him that we have to do something
    That he should go soon to save her, and as a bonus I'll go with him.

    When we arrived at the well, the woman was nowhere to be seen
    The alligator, upside down, was sleeping very well.
    I gave him my condolences on the spot and hugging him, I told him
    That happens all the time, that it's fate's thing
    And that from now on he can count on a friend
    I gave him my condolences on the spot and hugging him I tell him
    That it happens all the time, that it's fate's way of life
    And that from now on, he can count on a friend.


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