Tolerance key to achievements

in voilk •  5 months ago

    I want to write on tolerance in the way I view it, which is the ability to be okay with other person's opinion, behaviour even when our opinion is contrary to theirs in other to create a more cohesive environment.
    Naturally speaking, to tolerate one another is not as easy as it sounds, it takes deliberate and a determined person to be able to tolerate another human by not being offended.
    Human beings naturally are diversity in opinions actions and way of life, a man is always entitled to his own opinion and understanding this facts will make it easier to relate with other people even in our work places without creating a mountain.
    I may not like you, I may not agree entirely with you but when it has to do with team work the aim is productivity, which means there's a goal and targets we must meet. In other to achieve this I must agree to disagree with you. Therefore I see tolerance as the Major key to achievement in our work place and and tolerance should be prioritise.

    Reasons to prioritise tolerance in my work place.

    For the success of your business:
    One of the traits of successful people is tolerance for they have a higher tolerance for people, themselves and their environment, they know that there's and advantage in diversity of opinions, they endure and rise above their discomfort and do what should be done, they know success is the goal and the only thing that matters. Therefore they understand and accept others in other for peace to reign.

    Tolerance helps you grow:
    tolerance gives room for diversity of ways to handle challenges in work places, it's a learning tool that comes in disguise, different opinions can be great sometimes and create way for achieving something new.
    It can provide lessons for greater success hence to embrace other people's opinion isn't a bad idea at all, giving them time to grow giving them a listening ear, believing in their strength and maximising their strength more than their weakness. This goes a long way to build businesses and granting it success.

    For your peace of mind: no one can grow in a conflict and disorganised environment, it hinders growth, when there is conflict, one will be uneasy and stress, it stirs up fight, argument bitterness and hatred, and business can not thrive in such environment, there will tendency of loosing customers, clients and employees who are not able to air out their views and suggestions.At the long run no one will be happy.

    Its impossible to eradicate differences in people
    No matter how united a group may be
    It's their differences that makes the group unique
    The best thing to be done is to bring in the spirit of tolerance which will promotes harmony, understanding, and a peaceful environment for a successful business and the sky will just be the stepping stone to success when tolerance is embrace.
    Thank you #hiveghana #ghana

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