Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. Today I want to share with you my favourite fighting movie as to flow with Cine Tv contest week 130. I hope you have fun reading and remembering the movie.

So most of us knows the movie I am about to tell. Seriously, if you had to rename this movie, "Combat of the seeker" would go perfectly well. From the begining to the end was just fighting and not fist or gun fight but sword fights.
So, the movie follows Richard Cypher who has been destined even before his birth to be the seekee and the one whom by mandate of the creator would defeat the works of the Keeper of the underworld.
So the movie emcompases both magic and sword fight. The first series of the movie saw the quest of the seeker to be to defeat his elder step brother who loves and has grown in the way of dark magic and wishes to control the world using the box of oden. The seeker had to fight and defeat his brother. The second series saw that the seeker had to defeat the keeper and this was with the help of a mother confessor, a modsith, and a wizard of the first order.
I tell you, every bit of this movie is very facinating. My favourite character in the movie is The modsith who wields an agiel which is like a magical stick. I like the modsith because they can't be hurt by a wizard or sorcerer but the mother confessor only (what a twist😀). Also they have the gift of the breath of life that can revive someone who freshly died. I think I love the modsith character in the movie because of Cara Mason, the best fighting and resilient modsith. Also the modsiths can only be female. I think I loved that their red outfit as well.
Every scene or story line in the movie is very valid in my memory but one that got me was when the seeker and his step brother Darken Rah who escaped from the underworld had to join forces to beat the Keeper of the Underworld. Darken Rahs effort and confidence in his brother made me almost drop tears of joy because after so much conflict between them, they still found way to work as one blood.
Another story line that I love was when Cara the modsith had to act like a princess in a castle where magic doesn't work. She had to come close to the king to steal the key to a dungeon and it was very funny how she was told to rhyme which she declined but when it became competitive, she dropped some lines about some a clumsy slave that left me all smiles
One character i didn't like the most was the confessor character. The confessors were generally weak apart from the apart from the mother confessor who acted as the leader of the confessors. Also, I didn't like that cknfessors couldn't marry whom they really love. They had to marry for procreation sake and to crown it all, only females are confessors. I didn't really like that part too. Every other thing in the movie is perfect as it is.
Legend of the seeker is a viral movie depicting good and bad and how good later prevailed in both series and thats why i live the movie so much.
Thank you for reading through!