Early morning walk, going to work, appreciating the beauty of summer despite scorching hot weather.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Yellow Collage Summer Memories Instagram Post_20240417_204409_0000.png

    Happy Wednesday! Time flies and we are now in the mid-week and month of April. Two more weeks and we will be welcoming the peak of summer, May! Though in some provinces here in the Philippines kids are looking forward to finally a school vacation and also celebration of Flores de Mayo. Thus for today, let me share the earlier walk as my entry in #Wednesdaywalk hosted by @tattoodjay and #makemesmile by @elizacheng.


    It's only past seven in the morning but the sun shines brightly. Looking at the clear blue sky, it is not easy to guess a blistering heat later. I dropped here as I decided to pay for my husband's yearly contribution. Then have a short walk going to work.


    A shaded canopy for the passengers while waiting for a ride to protect them from rain or scorching heat. Depends on the country's weather. Did you notice the proud tree still stands in the middle of the road? How the local government chose to keep it rather than destroy it.


    Now, I needed to start walking as I needed to cross the road. There is an overpass yet I don't know why the government decided to close it for the public.


    Unable to take a good photo as the sun rays were shining directly in my eyes!

    Upon arriving, there was already a long queue but since I am pregnant I was in a priority line.


    Before eight in the morning, I was already done with my business and was having a chill walk, no hurry, slow paced going to walk. How I wish the road was always like this, clean, fresh and not congested with the traffic. It was refreshing to walk as there was no need to wear a face mask in order to avoid air pollution.


    Temptations! Donuts are waving at me saying, Hey Lhes, want to have some? Yet my brain was thinking, Lhes, your sugar! Don't eat many sweets. Frustrating it was! Who do you think won?

    The brain! Haha, I don't want to deliver via caesarean so trying my best.!


    Then I remembered, I ran out of vitamins, Caltrate for the calcium so drop by here at Watsons.

    Then I realized it wasn't a good idea as I saw some items on Sale! Unable to resist temptations, I ended up buying some which I didn't really need.


    Finally done and thanks I only bought a concealer, wet wipes aside from vitamins.
    Ah still no lessee for this building since the pandemic. The last one was this Cafe. That was a great loss to the owner!

    Summer is here! See those flowers that are in bloom? What about this painting? One of the most artistic vandalism I saw!


    Was about to continue walking but did you spot the thin smoke? In that area you will find a lot of Turo-turo/Canteens and often grilled barbeque in the morning. Passing by here was not a good idea as I am not fond of pork these days and also don't want to smell like meat!


    Instead, I detoured and chose this way even though it was a bit farther. At least it was quiet and peaceful. Actually, from the main road only private cars and taxis pass by here as this is a business place. But wait, there are also several condominium towers.


    Vacant lots, due to some reasons, were converted for a while into parking space. Brilliant idea as at least, this property still had an income.


    While walking I passed by with some people either going to work like me or just left the office. There are even some riders waiting for the passengers who booked for a faster journey home.


    There I can almost see the building where I am working. Checking at the watermarks, I'd been walking for thirteen minutes already!


    What I love every summer at least, it makes the surrounding colorful despite the burning feeling brought by the hot weather!


    And today's walk ended as I finally reached my destination. Twenty minutes of walking was somehow an achievement at this state!

    What about you? How Wednesday goes?

    Lead image was edited using Canva
    All photos are mine otherwise stated
    Footer credit to Sensiblecast

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