in voilk •  last month

    When buying an unknown craft beer (for which I have no recommendation), I was attracted by the design of the bottle, which I wrote about in the previous #BeerSaturday challange, when I saw these white cans, I was attracted by the motto on the can The bright side of life without any design.

    What kind of craft beer can it be that is packed in such white packaging?
    On the other hand, those beers have fruity aromas (cherry and tropical). So why not give it a try...
    I took the IPA as a must 🙂

    Only later did I see that this brewery has a few more beers on offer, but I didn't find them on the shelf when I bought these three.

    Borsodi Brewery
    Construction of the Borsodi brewery began in 1969 in the village of Bocs, in Hungary. The brewery started producing beer in 1973.
    In 1991, after the fall of communism, the brewery was privatized, and in 1993 it was bought by the Belgian Interbrev. The acquisition of the brewery led to improvements in several aspects of brewing including higher quality, use of improved technology and better product development. the company has been foreign-owned since 1993, but has always produced a line of Hungarian beers in addition to some foreign beers brewed under license.

    On my way home, I thought about what I could make myself for lunch. My wife has some responsibilities, so I stayed home alone, without lunch.
    There is nothing in the fridge, only a few cans of beer 😃

    Borsodi beer

    Since I hate to cook for myself, and I can't have beer for lunch, why don't I order some fast food?
    I walked to a nearby grill restaurant and said to myself "Why don't I eat a burger, a gourmet one, seasoned with hot pepper. I can just combine it with some beer from the fridge...🤔".

    The burger is ready, and while I'm eating, I'll think about which of these three beers to drink.

    Tropical ALE and Meggy ALE, sound interesting, but I still opt for the IPA style. After a gourmet spicy burger, I'm not sure I'd like a beer with fruity notes, low % alcohol.
    I chose the IPA style, a beer with 5% alcohol.

    When the beer is poured, it exudes floral accents and an abundance of the usual fruit. The white foam holds up well.

    The initial taste confirms the fruity component, then it is replaced by a subtle bitterness.

    After eating a burger and drinking an IPA beer with a satisfying taste (at least the little I could feel after the hot pepper), I decide to leave the remaining two cans, Tropical ALE and Meggy ALE for another occasion and the next #Beer challenge weekend.


    I've been wondering all week if our friend @godfish who went to Madrid has a place to have a beer?
    I believe there are craft breweries in Spain and Madrid? May I invite you to introduce us some Spanish beer?
    I need a recommendation from a craft beer connoisseur, which beer to look for in Spain..
    In two weeks I'll be there too 🙂

    Thank you for stopping by my post and I hope you enjoyed the photos and the story I shared with you

    All photos are my property, taken with a mobile phone

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