Touches From What’s Going On (News Time)

in voilk •  4 months ago

    If you don’t go around reading different countries news, you won’t know what’s going on in that country. Currently, we are living in the most interesting time of the world because there are always things to talk about. Today, I won’t be talking about what’s going on in other countries, but I’ll bring to your knowledge some of the important incidents that have been going on in my country.

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    The president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria has ordered Binance to provide information on its top 100 users in the country and the transactions that were carried out. Many people are against things because they believe Binance shouldn’t give out information about its customers.

    The reason for the account by the government was because it was discovered that billions of dollars of the country's funds have been illegally transferred out of the country, and since it’s done in cryptocurrency, it won’t be easy to track or it might be lost forever. After the devaluation of the country's currency, Binance was asked to put a stop to all transactions that were taking place in the country. It was believed that the daily transactions on Binance were also one of the reasons the value of the Nigerian currency (Naira) had depreciated.


    Immediately after the ban on transactions on Binance by the government, the value of the dollar against the Naira dropped, which made many people believe the government was doing the right thing. Nigeria has experienced cases of politicians saying “snake swallow millions of naira,” which made the money unaccounted for, and there was also a time one said she mistakenly embezzled billions of the country's funds. I don’t understand how someone will embezzle billions of Naira mistakenly.

    Local War

    The reason why I call this news a local war is because it is between two communities in one state fighting over land. Two undeveloped communities in Delta State, Nigeria, are fighting over lands, and this dispute has been going on for ages, but things took a bad turn when the youth of Okoloba killed three youth of Okuama. The people of Okuama took revenge by kidnapping the chief of Okoloba. Because of this, the Nigerian military was sent to this community for peacekeeping, and while they were on their mission, the militants were ambushed, killed, and mutilated.

    16 soldiers were killed, and the army force of the Republic of Nigeria wasn’t ready to let such an act go unpunished. With the full backing of the presidents, the chief of intelligence and defence has the power to do anything necessary to bring the culprits to justice. Many people have been arrested with three major suspects, and investigations are still ongoing. The citizens hope that the people who committed such crimes will face the law and get whatever punishment they receive.

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    Thanks for reading and have a great day.

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