Before The Storm...

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hi all, I'm not doing too well but still want to take the time to document a recent day that made me very happy...

    We went for another family walk 🙂 This time to a trail that I am quite familiar with, it used to be one of my favourite spots to go to when I was in high school. Although it's a rather active trail with plenty of joggers and dogs, it is still magical enough that you can find secret secluded spots -- regardless of how many people are there.

    For example: this spot ☝️ It's a calm little river that eventually cascades into a waterfall.

    Here's a photo of one foot of the waterfall that I took nearly 6 years ago! 😱 Let's see if my photo skills improved at all LOL

    Here's the bottom of the waterfall, along with our oldest and her Daddy over 2 years ago now...

    And here she is today, along with her baby sister 🥰

    We carried on, where we eventually came to some moss, and as you will eventually come to understand about me -- I love moss 😍 I dunno what it is about it man, just a tiny, cute, fuzzy lil' ecosystem~

    A close-up of my girl, yaaaasss!~ this is why we live! 🤪

    Ahem! ....Moving on, to the second waterfall on the trail. Another spot that we are quite familiar with; my husband and I did a little photoshoot at the base about 2 years ago...

    As we continued further down the trail, we came to a spot surrounded by stone wall on either side. From my understanding there used to be a train track that ran through the mountain. Hence why it is called The Radial Trail.

    Here is an old photo of what this trail used to look like over 100 years ago! Amazing to think that when we walk past these rocks we're walking through history!

    Aside from that, we uncovered a lot of interesting things along the way! For example: a wasp's nest 🐝

    (Sorry for the quality 😅)

    As well as a tree that had fallen over! 🤯 Beavers are residents here in Canada, but none live in this immediate area. Perhaps a strong gust of wind??

    This is the Cross of Lorraine. It used to overlook the city in its neon red light. The Cross was associated with a hospital that was there at the time, a hospital specifically to treat patients with tuberculosis. The hospital has since been demolished, and the Cross no longer shines...


    (My photo of the hospital while it was abandoned)

    The view of my city... This is one of my favorite spots to be: on top of this cliff, overlooking my city...

    I'm not entirely sure why; I was just very entranced by this shot.. Really loved this shot looking down at a desolate forest...

    As well as this shot. I was simply captivated by this one tree holding up several fallen branches...

    We were beginning to approach the end of the trail when I spotted another pleasant surprise: some of the flora is already in bloom!~ 😊

    (Don't! look at my demented thumb nails 😠)

    Thank you for reading! 🙏 Enjoy the weekend, everybody!

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