Knowing The Numbers That Matter

in voilk •  3 months ago

    How Well Do You Know Your Stake?

    The most important part about crypto staking is knowing your numbers. Once you know your daily rewards and what they offer as a percentage/token number in growth the rest is easy. I know I am earning an extra 0.04 COTI daily so in theory every 25 days I earn 1 full COTI more than I did 25 days previously. If you know your figures you can grow and spot any opportunity that arises and this is all in the detail of knowing your investment. This may seem a little sad to some or possibly extreme, but I understand numbers because they tell me what is going on. This may seem next level stuff for some who just go with the flow, but for me this is enjoyable because nothing is left to chance and you can plan properly.

    April the 10th 2023 was the date the COTI Treasury had for their deadline for the GCOTI airdop staking campaign. At the time I maxed out what I could and ended up staking 62 100 COTI. Today is exactly 1 year on and now that stake has blossomed into 124 133 COTI. Not quite double, but close enough ending up being 67 COTI short. That is roughly an average of 5 000 COTI growth monthly which also includes the daily rewards earned via the APR being compounded.

    Still another 7 hours left before the stake unlocks meaning another 12 COTI earned over that period so realistically I would be 55 COTI short of doubling the stake. This also allows the unlocked stake to earn a higher APR along with another stake which unlocks on the 23rd April. Just an extra few percent makes a big difference and after a few calculations should increase the daily rewards by around 10 COTI.

    I actually enjoy seeing these dates mainly as a point of reference because you can really see the growth over a certain time period. This 5000 COTI represents $800 monthly being invested in todays token price. That is a significant number because very few people outside of crypto could afford to do this and also would not know how to even start staking.

    We are so far ahead of the game and we deserve what is coming to all of us for the work we have put into creating a portfolio. There is no luck involved with this mainly because we have taken the time to learn and get involved. The 124 133 COTI represents a lot of work and there is still so much to do before we see the market peak hopefully some time late next year, the later the better. If it happens earlier I will be prepared and ready and I will be selling this time around.

    200K COTI Target Will Be Achieved

    The aim is to keep on doing the exact same thing growing this bag into 200K as my next target or get as close as possible depending on the time available that the crypto cycle offers. Now this year having double the stake the growth should be that much more and I need to make it work as much as possible maximizing any APR on offer.

    The additional 0.06% APR I receive weekly via the GCOTI rewards is a welcome bonus along with the long term loyalty staking bonuses which also increase weekly. The daily rewards are hovering around the 35-40 COTI currently which would give me an additional 15K-18K COTI by this time next year which is certainly not enough and will have to continue topping the stake up weekly to achieve my goals. This week the plan is to add an additional 6K COTI which will help keep me on track to achieve 200K possibly by the year end just in case the market peak comes earlier than expected.

    The other additional bonus which has not been mentioned much as yet is the early swap out bonus. COTI is moving to an Ethereum Layer 2 token and anyone who has the Native or ERC-20 token can swap out early into the new COTI V2 token. This may be risky and all depends on the timings with the crypto cycle because I do not want to be left holding a bag I cannot sell because it is not listed on an exchange yet. The swap will eventually happen automatically, but can see the COTI team tempting those to swap early with a decent percentage offer and can expect in the region of an extra 10%. Don't quote me on that as that is my best guess and it could be slightly under or slightly over.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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