We often see very few people indulge themselves into charitable works. There are many few people enormous wealth but not all are ready to use their money for welfare of the society. There are many who like to keep accumulating who are considered misers. These people always hesitate to use their money. Charity creates a sense of connection and shared responsibility among people who care about a cause. To distinguish the people Sanskrit says :
संग्रहेकपरः प्रायः समुद्रोपि रसातले|
दातारं जलदं पश्य गर्जन्तं भुवनोपरि||
Sangrahekaparah praayah samudropi rasaatale
Daataaram jaladam pashya garjantam bhuwanopari.
Sangrahekaparah = Sangrah + eka + Par.
Sangrah = hold, hoard.
Eka = a fellow, a person.
Para = best or worst.
Praayah = generally.
Samudropi = Samudra + api.
Samudra = Ocean.
Api = as also.
Rasaatala = underground. (here reference to mines of various minerals hidden inside the Earth).
Daata = a person who gives his belongings to others in charity.
Jalad = a rain bearing cloud. Pashya = look at.
Garjantam = producing thunderous and rumbling sound.
Bhuwanopari = Bhuwan + upari.
Bhuwan = Earth.
Upari = over, upon.
Those persons who generally hoard their wealth, are like an Ocean as also underground mines of minerals.. On the other hand look at those persons who share their wealth with others (by doing charitable work) like a rain bearing cloud roaming all around the Earth with thundering sound, distributing life giving water to all living beings.
In these lines the author has compared misers with Ocean and mines deep down the Earth, and liberal persons who share their wealth with others by giving on charity, to rain bearing clouds providing life giving rain to all living beings. The water of the Ocean is of no use for drinking purposes unless its salt content is removed and similarly the mines hidden under the earth are also of no use until their material is brought up with much effort. Likewise, the wealth of a hoarder is of no benefit to the Society.