Palkemon! - Unleash the Beast - Part eighteen

in voilk •  2 months ago

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    Note: This will be the final part as I would need to re-download the game on the new PC and grind a heap to get anything further interesting but when the game has a lot more I will look to pick it up again. Have had a lot of fun ANDDDD I have a new series that will take it's place. It is of a familiar game I haven't done for a while with even more mods and a different build

    The end of the journey will be called

    With some luck through exploring among a castle like area and wanting to find out what else this map holds, this third wildlife sanctuary that has been found is another good one, like the very first where the Astegon was caught.

    First pals to be found there were Jormuntide Ignis and two of them separated a bit. The first was fought and killed before catching it, as the weaker pal spheres did nothing and it died. But the second one was weakened down enough for the hyper sphere to easily catch it and add a second to his collection.

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    The issue found with this sanctuary is the amount of PIDF Elite soldiers that were there to protect these pals and stop people catching them. Becoming wanted was an issue, you wouldn't be able to catch the pals here in peace and they would keep coming.

    After some time fighting and building up the wanted level further with multiple assaults due to 477's pals fighting the soldiers, well switching pals out was necessary as the fight continued and went into the night. It just wouldn't stop as they kept on coming for him with a constantly growing wanted level.

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    There was a bug with these soldiers teleport following 477 over the sea after he left and even into the boss fight which he was using to try go for the win.. the soldiers would switch between targets and this wasn't working so well, unfortunately although it did help reduce the boss by almost 30,000 health which is better than last time, but he had to die which helped remove the wanted level at least.

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    The PIDF tower in the desert was going to be attempted soon but first thing that was to be done was to go back against the other boss towers already beaten.

    These were Zoe & Grizzbolt the Rayne syndicate tower from early on in the game and which no need to really do too much or hop off Fenglope, the fight was over within two minutes and it was fun to do this once more.

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    Then it was back to the Free Pal alliance tower boss fight, this was against Lily & Lyleen which was tougher still due to the damage output and health it has which almost saw 477 killed.

    Within five minutes and multiple pal switches while keeping himself safe, it was another win against this tower boss once more. So even more experience was gained and a good feeling of satisfaction, knowing this win was pretty easily achievable now.

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    Next up we have a world boss with a level 38 Vaelet plant bug sort of pal that has a cool looking poison dust cloud and was a good match for Suzaku and even Astegon had to be switched out for the Jormuntide Ignis, until eventually the thing was able to be caught just because he wanted one more boss catch.

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    Once more bosses were fought and this helped to gain level 40.. well it was time to check out the PIDF tower which seemed like it would be the hardest one.

    The boss fight was against Marcus & Faleris which are a flying combo, Suzaku only managed to get a small amount of damage off in this fight, this prompted the new Vaelet boss to be brought out to assist and how much more damage was done was not much at all and this seemed like all pals required at least level 50 plus more boosts to their stats, so he had to end it all there and give up. Failing over and over finally got the better of him!

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    This was Palkemon! - Unleash the Beast - Part eighteen

    As mentioned at the start of this post, this was the final part I am doing as it is a massive grind and need to get the game and install it again but hoping later there will be much more content as well. Stay tuned for the next series as I cannot wait for it!

    You can find Palkemon! - Unleash the Beast - Part seventeen here

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