Spread love everywhere you go

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Let you heart out through the love all around. Bishop of Calcutta can be translated as: "Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." This short quote contains a deep truth about people's nature. Love is not made to be possess and detained in the locked up place in our hearts but it is there for it to be shared, to expand and make one’s life warm and bright among the people around.

    We aspires to take responsibility of love when we use our power to disperse love. The world becomes full of positivity and love is the change maker. A lightning smile, a word of kindness, a gesture of compassion – these little things may just change someone's mood, make one day significantly better, or provide an instance to assure somebody that he or she is cared for and appreciated.

    However, the process of picturing love is not restricted to simple actions; the basis of love is bringing it into each and every action that you perform. It is about starting every conversation with empathy, understanding, openness to everything which helps us grow into forgiving and enlightened human beings. Its about choosing forgiveness above grudges, understanding above prejudices, and goodness above indifferences.

    Nowadays, conflict, negativity, and discord are everywhere. Positive waves and flows replace negative ones and thus become a revolutionary act. Alongside it is a flame of hope in the midst of darkness, it stands as a symbol among all of us, reminding what it is that makes us all human beings. Therefore, we can start to sow seeds of love and major into a scenario where it spreads like a wave and, at the end of the day, it is a blessing that changes lives and reunifies communities.

    Therefore, like her, let us take a cue from this great leader and accept the noble task of bringing love to all who meet us. And the reason is that we make others' world the places of kindness, and in the process, we discover that we feel good ourselves.
    Ps: taken by me

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