Enforced confidence and perseverance amid failure

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Most of the time, I wonder what has become of the universe of today. Gone are the days when perseverance and strong will were the order of the day in every human sphere to see every individual maximize their full potential.

    Many are entrapped in the net of play-safe mode as promising Homo sapiens killing the courage to speak and express themselves. We have lost the confidence and courage to pursue our dream. The majority lose the zeal to pursue their dreams to the very end as they get discouraged at very little disappointment that surfaces in their adventure in life.

    The world is shaped to become better for every generation. From day to week and week to year and year to decade until we have a century by the few who will be able to find their confidence intact and move against the flow of the systems, cultures, tribes and jettison beliefs to make the most of life inside of them.


    It is not surprising to see success stories are full of depriving, discouraging and unforeseen circumstances many a time success stories are stories of several failed attempts but later hit the green button. Falling at some point in life doesn't mean you won't get to success at the end of the day but failing to work on it might be your demise. It took Thomas Edison 1000 attempts before inventing the light bulb. If he had quit at some point he won't have achieved the light bulb we use today. There is no gain in saying that without failure some of the world's greatest inventions, discoveries, and products would not benefit society today. I wonder where this generation has gotten it wrong. Many of prone to quick money syndrome. I was discussing this with a friend of mine over the phone. She is lucky to have gained admission to a PhD programme in the USA. We discussed how the youth of nowadays engage in cybercrime and other quick ways of getting money without solving any problems. I believe that money is just paper and it only has value once exchanged for a service rendered. If the youth of today in African nations can leverage the Internet and focus on changing the world in a more comfortable way for us all.

    To succeed in this generation of many distractions, failed governments policies, unreward in political systems and an inflation-eaten economy, you have got to pick up courage and confidence then lace it up wit perserverance so that your heart may be firmly determined to see right into the future in the area of life you choose to function and get the hands of things straight.

    "I have not failed, i have just found 10,000 ways that won't work", Thomas A, Edision. If the youth of today can so much believe in the power of perseverance and strong will against failure then i believe there will be more invention and discovery in this world particularly in African.

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