I have to make a deal

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I always heard and watched news about kidnaps. With each coming turn of inflation, there is rampant increase in such actions in the society. It is gauntlet for governments to deal with such errors in the society. Government is, somehow, responsible for these things. If there is proper check and balance then these kind of things will not happen. If the society is well managed then no inhumane thing will run towards humans. Just humans should act like humans_ [ not like monsters].

    Rising poverty in nations is successful in bringing such results in society. It's grim reality, poverty is mastermind behind crimes.

    Sit for a while and think for a second; Kidnapers themselves are humans, aren't they? They have heart too. Something must have forced or forged them to become kidnappers. No, i am not justifying that they are right. They are bad in every possible way but we it's consequence of extractive system in the society.

    • Jumping into the fiction(-_-)

    I am assuming for minutes, i am kidnapped. I was walking on the road, with my despondent face, that suddenly a car appeared and stopped. The person waved at me. I was careful but i walked towards him as he was trying to ask me way to go somewhere.

    As soon as i went close, my eyes were closing and i fell into their car. Darkness and silence for me.

    When i opened my eyes, it was dark room. It was room where woods were stored and oil containers were placed. Quite bollywood type thing{ i am imagining}.

    Why should i cry? I questioned myself. It's a tragedy for which i used to fantasize, So i should enjoy it and should find a solution out of fantasy.

    Like movies, i didn't had any knife with which i can cut rope with which my hands were cuffed. I was making a strategy to escape. There was no plan to break the ceiling and to jump out of the window. Nothing was like movies [as i used to think].

    A person arrived in room with grunting voice. Stopped by me. He was trying to give scary look with his fierce eyes, but i was all calm. It was time to take bull by the horns. I geared up my confidence. He was talking normally, yes, same like other human beings. Infact, he was pretty much calm person than others in life.

    I said "what if i give you three people in my exchange. Bro, i am a kidnapper too". I was on the way to kidnap someone but sadly, you kidnapped me. It's a fair deal that i can kidnapp people for you. Otherwise you two people will be soon in danger as you both have no wise strategy. You should have solid plans that where to keep people and how to get money out of them!

    He was almost entangled in my words. I further included that for plans i have to go to my workshop, which is quite private room, where i have maps, contacts and links to underworld Don. You just have to leave me on road.

    Nay... Are we fool? How we will see you back?
    I gave them my phone number[not working] and they dropped me.

    I escaped successfully. Still thinking that i have a flop idea for escape 😂.

    See you next time 🌸🌼.

    Thank you so much for scrolling down.

    every picture belongs to me

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