A Minor Setback

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Solar imports have gone ballistic so those that can afford it are doing it or have already had solar installed.

    Yesterday I had the handyman and his crew on the roof removing the old water proofing and sealant. Thankfully they cut it short after just 2 hours due to the factory informing them the new sealant was not ready and it would be delivered either Friday or Monday. This is like the undercoat before the proper waterproof rubberized paint goes on top.

    This was ordered weeks ago and kind of sums up how some businesses are now run with no true service being offered. They did offer an apology and a free delivery so I guess that is better than nothing. I cannot complain too much because the reason why we want solar so bad is due to continuous power cuts and most businesses are feeling the affect of this. This has a knock on effect from suppliers to manufacturers and I know this story only too well having shut down our business over two years ago due to this.

    There is an urgency to get this done because I would like to be off the grid entirely having solar power and loads of it. Not only does solar make financial sense, but you are not being controlled by the idiots who control the load shedding schedules. I am sure they will improve soon enough with less power outages due to the elections taking place in roughly 3 months time. They think everyone is stupid and has short memories and will fall for a spun story that they are on top of the problem now.

    From a financial viewpoint the system should last 15 years before parts need replacing so as a one off payment if you can afford it this is very viable. With the cost of electricity set to rise yet again by 12% we can assume that this will happen annually for the coming years making the once off payment look cheap. I have calculated that the entire solar system including installation will be paid off at the current monthly power costs within 30 months. That is kind of crazy and on top of this it adds serious value that you will receive back when you sell the property.

    Funny enough we are also in a sticky situation which is none of our doing with the current power system being a Pay As You Go not working. Somehow it is providing free power and we have had 2 different electricians in to check things out and we are not at fault. No one has touched anything and we have reported this through to the power company.

    Smart meters were meant to have been installed this week and we have literally seen no one so either they are behind schedule or they have somehow skipped us out. I am not complaining because for once we have a freebie and it is up to them to rectify this.

    The aim is to get the roof prepared for the solar panels as quickly as possible so I am hoping for fair weather next week and to plan the installation the week we are back from visiting the UK so roughly a 6 week time frame from now. The specifications are going to be way over specced for the property leaving nothing to chance never wanting to return to the grid. I would rather turn a generator on than rely on the local power provider and that would have to be an extreme case which I am trying to avoid.

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